Wednesday, June 3

Starting this week, I will be at school on Thursdays and Fridays working with students that opted to return to school. Therefore, on Wednesdays, I will now be posting assignments and activities for Thursday and Friday. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please email me.

Wednesday, June 3

1. Movement Break-

2. Kindergartens- Complete this worksheet DiceAdditionWorksheet (1) by adding the two numbers on the dice.

Grade Ones work on the first page of word problems. AdditionandSubtractionWordProblemswithaCampingTheme

3. Kindergartens- Review the ‘at’ words from your sort. Then rainbow write your spelling words. Write each word first with a pencil. Then trace over each word three times with a colored pencil or marker. Each time you trace use a different color.

Grade Ones- Review your spelling words. Then rainbow write your spelling words. Write each word first with a pencil. Then trace over each word three times with a colored pencil or marker. Each time you trace use a different color.

4.Login on to your symphony math account for 15 minutes.


Thursday, June 4

 1. Cosmic Kid Yoga-

2. Math- Kindergarten and Grade Ones create an image using 5 triangles, 3 circles, two rectangle, 1 hexagons and 3 squares. Email your drawings  when completed.

3. Journals- How are you feeling? What zone are you in? Why are you in that zone? Draw a picture and write a few sentences. Email your work when completed.

4. Login on to your Lexia account for 15 minutes.


Friday, June 5

1. Go for a walk with a family member. How do you feel starting the day with a walk?

2. Art- Go outside and create a picture using these items:

– leaves
– sticks
– stones
– grass
Here is an example:

Send a picture of your art.

3. Kindergartens- have a family member read 3 words from the sort this week. Try your best and write them down. Email your work when completed.

Grade Ones- have a family member read 10 words from your sort this week. Try your best and write them down. Email your work when completed.

4. Read a story with a family member. Then discuss the following questions:
Did you like the story? Why or why not?
Where was the setting of the story?
Who were the characters?

Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

Tuesday, June 2

Here is the plan for today.

1) Cosmic Kids Yoga-

2)  Kindergartens- Work on the sort from yesterday. Review the at family words. Then have family member show you the picture and you spell out the word.

 Grade Ones pick one of the following ways to review your spelling words
– Rainbow write your words
– Play tic tac toe using your spelling words
– Create a double set of spelling word cards and play a game of memory by
spreading out the cards face down and then taking turns flipping
two cards at a time to find a pair!
– Type out your spelling words

3) Listen to the read aloud Little Cloud by Eric Carle. The story is about a little cloud that changes into different objects. After listening to the story, you will write about a shape or object that you have seen in the clouds. If you can’t remember a shape you have seen, go outside and look at the clouds. What do you see? Draw a picture of what you see and fill out this handout CloudWritingFreebie (1). Kindergartens have a family member help with the writing. Grade ones write 2 sentences. Please email your work when completed. If you do not have access to a printer, draw and write on a piece of paper.

Monday, June 1

Here is the plan for today.

1) Cosmic Kids Yoga-

2)  Kindergartens– This week we will look words with at in them.
Watch the following video-
Write at on a piece of paper. Sound out it out.
Add the letter c before at. What word does that spell?
How many other words can you make with at ?

Now work on the sort for this week, which I have emailed.
Sound out the words with a family member.
Cut out the words and pictures.
Match the words with the right picture.

If you do not have access to a printer, write out the words and draw the pictures.

Grade Ones- I have emailed your spelling sort. Go over the words with a family member. Then copy and print your new words on a piece of paper.

3) Read a story with family member and draw a picture of your favorite part.
Grade ones write at least 2 sentences about your favorite part. Kindergartens have a family member help with the writing. Email your work when finished. 😊