January Calendar

Our classroom’s January calendar is right here snowflake.

This month in literacy, we’ll be working on:

  • breaking off the first sound of words (e.g. p – ig = pig)
  • the difference between sentences, words and letters
  • listening for individual sounds in words
  • more independently setting up of Story Writing pages
  • independently copying the date from the calendar

In numeracy, we’ll be working on:

  • geometry by describing, sorting and building 3-D objects and 2-D shapes
  • using positional language
  • using comparative language (as many as, fewer than, more than)
  • finding 1 or 2 more/less than a given number
  • using doubles to make adding sentences


December Calendar

Our classroom’s December calendar is here .

This month in literacy, we’ll be working on:

  • verbally breaking compound words to hear the 2 words within them
  • the difference between words and letters
  • ‘stretching’ words to hear the sounds within them
  • listening for sounds and writing the corresponding letter

In numeracy, we’ll be working on:

  • using comparative language (as many as, fewer than, more than)
  • finding 1 more or less than a given number
  • splitting numbers to 5 into 2 parts and saying an adding sentence


November calendar

poppiesOur classroom’s November calendar is here .

This month in literacy, we’ll be working on:
• rhyming words
• how print tracks from left to right and top to bottom
• the difference between words and letters
• making personal connections with the stories to encourage comprehension
• drawing with details that more clearly communicate ideas
• setting up story writing pages with the date
• independently copying the date from the calendar

In numeracy, we’ll be working on:
• counting sets of objects
• matching quantity & numbers

October Calendar

Our classroom’s October calendar is right here.

Poetry books:
• will be send home each Friday and are to be returned in their Poetry book bag each Monday
• on the weekend, read your child’s poetry book together (for 5-10 minutes)

This month in literacy, we’ll be working on:
• rhyming words (nonsense and conventional)
• reciting weekly poems to learn how print tracks from left to right, and top to bottom
• making personal connections with the stories to encourage comprehension

In numeracy, we’ll be working on:
• daily math activities such as counting, numeral recognition, graphing, days of the week, and months of the year
• sorting by different attributes
• patterning with 2 or 3 colours