Good morning Division 12,

Due to a change in Ms. Ho’s schedule our Library day is being moved to Monday (January 24th) next week instead of Tuesday afternoon.

You are more than welcome to begin bringing your books early (tomorrow) as I will have the bins available if you are finished with them before the weekend.

We will also write reminders in our planners as well.

Thank you and have a great day!

Ms. Toor

Functional Closure Procedure Information (Currently we are not in one) and Fun Lunch Information

Hello Families of Division 12,

In the event of a functional closure our class will be continuing to use Freshgrade and the class blog (accessible through the school website under staff tab). Activities and assignments will be posted on the blog and Freshgrade to be viewed by families. I will hold daily virtual meetings on Teams at 9am for about an hour to connect with the whole class about the objectives for the day and then meet with smaller groups to provide more individualized support.

To access teams, families can either download the app or go on the web browser. Student  information to access Teams will be put into student planners for your reference (student email and password — please keep it in a safe place at home). Please take some time to familiarize yourself with this program and ask me any questions you may have. If any issues occur we can try to solve it together before making any transitions online if needed.

Please fill out the Access to Technology survey below before January 28, 2022

or using the QR Code Below








Fun Lunches

Many families have inquired about future fun lunches, which are put together by the PAC (parent advisory committee). The PAC has reopened the online portal to purchase fun lunches for February and onward until Friday January 21  Please look for the email from PAC about how to purchase the fun lunches.

Thank you for your understanding and support during these uncertain times,

Ms. Toor

Black Excellence Day Friday January 14 (tomorrow)

Good morning Division 12 families,

Black Excellence Day is Friday January 14.  This day is  meant to celebrate the rich contributions of Black people to our society and acknowledge the ongoing civil rights struggle and racism that Black people face.

Black Excellence Day was created by the Ninandotoo Society and the date was chosen in honour of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday which was January 15, 1929.

Staff and students are encouraged to wear black tomorrow. This message will also be written in your child’s planner today.

In our classroom we will be starting the conversation with age appropriate literature to  introduce Black Excellence Day to students and to continue guiding our learning for students who were introduced to the Black Shirt Day movement last year.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Welcome Back

Hello Families of Division 12,

Welcome back

I hope you all had a restful and relaxing break. We were so excited to welcome everyone back into the building yesterday.  Staff was busy preparing for the safe return of students and planning for online learning should that be needed. More information regarding online learning will be sent out to families if the time comes in order to make as smooth a transition as possible.

Extra clothes and shoes 

Please make sure to have your child bring an extra pair of shoes and an extra set of clothes (especially socks) to leave in the classroom. Please try to label as much clothing items as possible as many students have the same gear and are around the same size.


Unfortunately, Ms. Ho is away today and there was no replacement. Your children will not be coming home with new books today. Our library days are still on Tuesdays, please ensure your child returns their books before then to get new books to read.

Here are some things to note for this month:

January 14 – Black Shirt Day 

On January 15th, thousands of students, educators, and citizens across British Columbia and Canada will wear black shirts in recognition of the struggle for civil rights fought by Black and racialised Canadians.

​Commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., Black Shirt Day is both a day of education and remembrance, and an invitation to a necessary conversation about racial justice.

January 14 – Fun Lunch

If you have ordered a fun lunch for your child, please bring a ziplock bag for your child’s garbage to bring home to dispose of.

Below is our updated calendar as there have been some changes and add ons

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

Thank you so much for all your gifts, you are so generous and made me feel so appreciated this holiday season.

Today your child is coming home with their cubby items and in their planner pocket is their Raz-Kids log in information. For those who weren’t here today I have uploaded the information to Freshgrade. Raz-Kids is an app/website and each student in our class now has their own account to enjoy reading from home.

Thank you and see everyone on January 4th,

Ms. Toor

Suncrest Food Bank Drive (December 6-10)

Good morning Division 12 families!

Next week Suncrest is having our Food Bank Drive (December 6- 10).

The Food Bank is looking for low-sodium canned tuna and salmon, dry pasta, and diapers sizes 4, 5, and 6, or other dry, non-expired products that are nutritious or high protein. Please no candy boxes or old food.

I will have a donation box available in the classroom for any items donated.

Donations can also be made online at:

Thank you for your support!

Ms. Toor

December Calendar and Updates (more to come….)

Good afternoon Division 12 families,

December is already here! Here are some updates and the calendar is attached.

December 13 -17 Spirit Week 

The Grade 6/7 student leadership group will be planning various theme days and activities leading up to the winter break. More information will be sent home in the coming weeks.

December 17 – Last Day  

We will be celebrating the winter break by having a small class party. Students can bring an individual treat to eat while watching a film.

Students will be bringing home any extra clothing bags left at school to be replenished or cleaned during the break. Please have your child bring their bag of extra clothes back to school on January 4.

December 20 – January 3 Winter break 

The school will be closed for the winter break. I hope everyone enjoys their holiday!

Thank you for all of your support and consideration,

Ms. Toor

Picture Re-Takes (November 16- Tomorrow)

Good afternoon families,

Tomorrow morning is our photo re-take day. Photos are in the morning and I will need to know first thing tomorrow who needs to be sent down for a photo.

Please email me, write in your child’s planner or let me know during drop off (if you haven’t already let me know).

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Outdoor Classroom Day (tomorrow)

Good afternoon families,

Tomorrow (Nov. 4) Division 12 will be participating in Outdoor Classroom Day. As a class we will be partaking in about 4-5 activities outdoors (spread out through the day) that will continue to develop our ideas about our community and build our ecological identities.

Please visit the Outdoor Classroom Website for more information

Tomorrow is calling for lots of rain. Please make sure your child is prepared and ready for the day. As always we recommend wearing boots, bringing a spare change of clothes and extra socks.

Thank you in advance! Looking forward to a fun day!

Ms. Toor