June Calendar

Hello Division 11 families,

I cannot believe how fast the school year has flown by! Tomorrow is already June! Below is our calendar and upcoming events for the month of June.


Here is our classroom calendar for June.

Note: There may be some changes but I will send an updated calendar if needed.


This week (June 1st) will be the last day students will be able to take out books from Suncrest Library. All books are to be returned by Tuesday June 8th.

Spirit Week (June 21- 28)

As shown on the calendar, Suncrest will be having a spirit week. Students will be part of a team colour (either Blue, Red, Green or Yellow) and will earn points for their team by participating in the days and showing sportsmanship and teamwork during class activities. **Students will receive the colour team they are assigned later this week**

  • Monday June 21- House Team Colour Day (wear your house team colour)
  • Tuesday June 22- Blue Day (wear blue)
  • Wednesday June 23- Green Day (wear green)
  • Thursday June 24- Yellow Day (wear yellow)
  • Friday June 25- Red Day (wear red)
  • Monday June 28- Rainbow Day (dress up in as many colours as you’d like)

Jump rope for heart

Fundraising has begun. To begin fundraising or to sign up please visit jumpropeforheart.ca

We watched the Jump Rope for Heart Kick of video which goes really well with our Healthy Living and Nutrition mini unit. It also has some tips for getting started at home. We will be jumping on June 25th with our learning group. Below is the link to the video.


I will continue to post on Freshgrade and the blog with updates throughout our last month together as a class.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


May Upcoming Dates

Hello Division 11 families,

I wanted to take this time to thank all of you for submitting your thoughtful responses on your child’s portfolio and progress this school year.

Below are some up coming dates:

Thursday May 20th- Outdoor Classroom Day

Division 11 will be participating in their second outdoor classroom day. Majority of the day will be spent outside participating in a variety of activities. Please be prepared for rain or sunshine. If it is raining please pack extra clothes and rain gear and if it is sunny please bring/ wear sun hat and sunscreen. Our last outdoor classroom day was last fall and we are excited for the next one!

Friday May 21st – Professional Development Day (no school for students)

Monday May 24th- Victoria Day (no school for staff and students)

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Ms. Toor

Library Next Thursday (instead of Tuesday)

Good afternoon Division 11 families,

Next week due to scheduling, Ms. Ho has asked if we can change our Library day to Thursday.

Our class will be visiting Ms. Ho on Thursday morning instead of Tuesday next week. Please feel free to bring your books back earlier than Thursday if you are finished with them.

We will be back to our normal schedule the week after.

Thank you for your flexibility,

Ms. Toor

May Calendar


Good afternoon Division 11 Families,

Attached is our May Calendar for Division 11.

A friendly reminder that the Parent Reflection Forms from Student Profile Shares are due Wednesday May 5th. Please feel free to send it back in your child’s planner or through email.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Friday April 30- Points Party

Good afternoon Division 11 families,

Tomorrow afternoon we will be having a film in the afternoon to celebrate earning all our “Rocks in the Bucket. The class has earned their rocks by working together, cleaning up the classroom, being kind, showing sportsmanship and many other things that contribute to our day to day in Division 11.

The planner message today says “Bring your own treat for the points party.” This could be any snack or treat just for your own child to enjoy during the film.

Thank you and see everyone tomorrow,

Ms. Toor

At Home Student Portfolio Share April 27 – 30 and other information

Portfolio Share

Dear Division 11 Families,

We are pleased to invite you to take part in our first At-home/Virtual Student Portfolio Share. Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, we regretfully will not be able to host families into our schools. Instead of meeting in person, your child has made a reflective comment on a few work samples for you to look through on Freshgrade. Their personal reflections on their work samples are available for you to review the week of April 27-30.

Our goal is to celebrate all that the students have accomplished this year and to make visible the growth that has taken place. Please take the time to go through your child’s Freshgrade portfolio with your child. To make the experience meaningful for both you and your child, we ask that you take a few minutes to fill out a parent response form. I have attached the form below and a paper copy will be in your child’s planner pocket as well. 

Please return the completed parent response either by email or in person by Wednesday May 5.


As we look forward to our Student Portfolio Shares, we have compiled the following list of suggestions, which will help ensure a successful experience for you and your child.


  • Make this a time when your child has your undivided attention.    
  • Pick a special spot around your house.
  • Allow your child to direct the PORTFOLIO SHARE he/she has prepared for you.


Focus on the positives and smile!

Employ active listening skills:

  • Use eye contact
  • Maintain positive body language
  • Listen attentively
  • Paraphrase
  • Offer encouraging comments

Ask open-ended questions.  For example:

  • Tell me more about this.
  • Is this your draft copy or final copy?
  • If you did this again, what might you do differently?
  • Did you do this work individually, with a partner, or in a group?
  • Show me the steps you took to complete the project.
  • Tell me something new you learned as you worked on this.
  • Look for the development of thinking skills and ideas expressed in writing. Emphasis may not have been placed on spelling and grammatical structure in these assignments.
  • Provide encouragement for future growth.


  • Share 3 compliments with your child before suggesting 1 area for improvement.

The forms are attached to this post and it will be sent home with your child in their planner today.

Thank you for your support,

Ms. Toor

Other Information

Pro D Day

April 26th is a Pro D Day and the school will be closed.

School Photos

Students who began attending school after first term in January or March will have the opportunity to take their school photo tomorrow morning in the gym. They will be called down during class to get their picture taken.

Message to Division 11 Families

Hello Families of Division 11,

At this point we have no reason to expect a school or system wide change, but Fraser Health has been asking more whole classes to self-isolate in the last month when there have been exposures.

In the event that our class is asked to self-isolate and switch to online learning, I will be using email as the primary form of communication to schedule check ins and virtual meetings, however for urgent communication needs, please be aware that any phone calls made by me will appear as a private caller. 

To access assignments I will have them posted on our class blog which is https://sd41blogs.ca/toorc/ or it can also be accessed through the Suncrest website under the Staff tab. Completed assignments can be posted on Freshgrade for me to review and comment on. It is encouraged that families be familiar with accessing all the programs mentioned above as well as Raz-kids so that any necessary transitions to online learning can be made smoothly. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these uncertain times,

Chanel Toor


April Calendar

Good morning Division 11 families,

What a great first week after the break!

April is already here! A reminder that there is no school tomorrow or Monday.

Attached is our class calendar. You will notice on Wednesday April 7th, we will be participating in a zoom session from 10:30- 11:30 with the Space Centre. Many students in Division 11 have been showing interest in space, science and astronauts so we are excited to have this opportunity to begin our inquiry. We will not have our camera on during the zoom session but I will be able to ask questions or wonderings that our class comes up with in the chat.

Check out the link for the session:


Thank you and have a great long weekend!

Ms. Toor

Report Cards

Report Cards Go Home March 5

On Friday (today) students will be bringing home their report cards for Term 2. Please make sure to empty the envelope and keep the documents inside at home, sign the envelope and return the empty envelope to the school as soon as possible, so that I may reuse it for Term 3.

Students will also be bringing home a large orange folder with their school work inside (things they have been working on since the beginning of the school year as well as your child’s report at the front). Please have a look through these with your child to talk about their learning. In addition you can look through your child’s FreshGrade account as another way to look through your child’s learning together as a family. The orange folders are for families to keep.

It has been a pleasure being part of your child’s learning together so far this school year.

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Toor

March Calendar and Literacy Week Activities

Good Afternoon Division 11 Families!

Attached is our calendar for the month and below is the same message from Mr. LaPlante on our school website about Literacy Week and Themed Days for next week!

Announcing Literacy Week about Kindness & Gratitude at Suncrest March 8-12!
Please join us as we celebrate Literacy Week at Suncrest! Through reading, writing, and discussion activities, we will explore this year’s theme of Kindness and Gratitude. We hope you will dress up for the following special days related to the theme, as prizes will be given out to anyone who participates! Your child’s teacher will tell you more about each day’s activities in class. We look forward to this special week at Suncrest!
Monday March 8th – Rainbow Inclusion Day
Please dress in as many different colours as you can, as we celebrate the wonderful diversity of our community and the world.
Tuesday March 9th – Be Kind to the Earth Day
Please dress in a combination of blue and green, or wear anything with leaves or the planet Earth on it, as we discuss how to grateful for our beautiful Earth and how to be kind by caring for the environment.
Wednesday March 10th – Be Kind to Yourselves Day
Please dress in your favourite, most comfortable outfit, and bring your favourite snack to school! Today we will discuss all the ways to be kind to yourself so you can stay physically and mentally healthy.
Thursday March 11th – Helping Others with Kindness and Laughter Day
Today we will discuss how we can be kind to others in our community, such as lifting one another up with positive messages, compliments, and laughter. Please wear clothing that has messages of happiness, cheer, and/or joy, or you can wear funny hats and clothing accessories that make people laugh. We want silly outfits!
Friday March 12th – Celebrate Reading in PJs Day
For our final day, wear your PJs to school to celebrate reading! We will be having extra, surprise announcements of extra reading time throughout the school day before we go to Spring Break!


Thank you! So excited for a week celebrating literacy and school community!

Ms. Toor