Student Led Conferences, Early Dismissals and other information

Good morning families,

Here is some information for the rest of this week.

Student Led Conferences- Wednesday May 4

A reminder that tomorrow afternoon/ evening is Student Led Conferences. Confirmation times were sent home last week with the first set of conferences beginning at 2:15pm and the last conferences ending at 7:00pm. Please enter and exit through the classroom’s outside door.

Please read through the parent information sheet which gives more information and helpful tips for the conference. Division 12 is very excited! There will be time to go through your child’s portfolio, rotate through stations and time to enjoy a slideshow!

Early Dismissals – May 4 &5

On both Wednesday May 4 and Thursday May 5 there will be early dismissals. Pick will be at 2pm instead of 3pm on those days.

Moving (Back to our original classroom)

We are aiming to move back into our classroom Thursday May 5. We will start the day in Ms. Kal’s room and sometime throughout the day we will be moving back to our homeroom. Pick up on Thursday will be back in our original classroom. I will let all families know if that changes.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor