Homework Due


Please go to your Microsoft Office 365 /Teams/ Homework Channel to access and submit your homework

Div 1  Office365 begins …. coming soon

September 2024

Know your multiplication tables to 12 X 12 for instant recall.

All About Me Grade 7 Project

8 page handout to students:  click link here

Cell phone:   click link here

Hanging poster:  click link here

  • Due Monday, September 23.  CAREER.  Bring your completed Grade 7 tri-fold board to school.  I will look it over and give you tips!  I can also offer more help if you need it.
  • Start collecting:  ART.  3 leaves that will not crumble; toilet paper rolls
  • Due Wednesday, September 25th.  SOCIALS/WRITING.  Finish the yellow Terry Fox Doodle Letter.   click here for the letter.
  • Due Wednesday, September 25th.  READING.  Get parent to look at your Black duotang and sign for the dates of the independent reading program.
  • Due Thursday.  WRITING.  If you have time tonight, work on getting your poem to rhyme.  Try using an online rhyming dictionary.  I’m Thankful poem.