Quiet Draft 2.0

1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?

I like quiet time because you can catch up in things like organising or doing school work

2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?

I don’t like about quiet time because quiet time is really short I wish quiet time was a little longer then 15 minutes

3.  What do you feel during Quiet Time?

I feel calm and less stress in my life it helps people that are stressed or not calm

4.  What do you notice about it?

I  notice that it make me calm and less stress because people are quiet and not talking  an the music can play

5. What does it mean to you?

i can do hoemwork in school so i dont

6. What surprised you?

what surprised me is that i thought there would be lots of chatting instead of  quietness

7.  Do you have any questions?

Why is Quiet time so short

Quiet Time

Dear student.  We have been doing Quiet Time for a couple of months now…15 minutes, 3 times a week:

1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?

2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?

3.  What do you feel during Quiet Time?

4.  What do you notice about it?

5. What does it mean to you?

6. What surprised you?

7.  Do you have any questions?

Before you blog, I expect you to read the QUIET TIME BROCHURE posted on our class website. I look forward to hearing from you.

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