Our online learning journey begins…

Good morning Division 8 Families,

We hope you had a good long, Easter weekend at home with your family.  We would first like to thank you for your patience as we Navigate through learning online.  This is and has been a huge learning curve for all of us and we want you to know we greatly appreciate your patience with getting things up and running.  We have a few updates we would like to pass along to everyone.  This is a fairly long message, but please read all the way through as it has vital information.

As many of you already noticed there was an email from Epic! It is another great resource for reading. Thank you to those that have registered as there will be books assigned to read on there for activities.

Our platform for learning and assessment is ready to go. The platform for learning will be a classroom blog. Access to the blog will be from our school website, under classes and division number (DIV.8) beside our names Silva/ Sharma or  http://sd41blogs.ca/silvad/.

Every Monday Morning, we will post the Shape of the Week on the blog to view.  This will have activities, under subject headings.  Each week we will have some mandatory assignments and some activities are optional.   Students are encouraged to participate in 2-3 activities a day.  We will start off slow as we are all going to be learning new formats, websites and platforms together as a community. The blog will eventually have different tabs/ pages to access with different information. Some Tabs may be: The Home Page will provide updates, announcements and The Shape of the Week tasks. The Resource Page will have extra links for viewing activities and learning. The Daily Physical Activities:  This will have some activities you can do with your child, or have your child do outside or inside to burn some energy and keep active.

Not everything is up yet on the blog but slowly things will be added each day.

We will be using Fresh Grade for assessment purposes. Assignments/work are to be submitted through Fresh Grade. This platform allows both parents and teachers to monitor the work of the student, while the child can share their learning with their teachers and parents in an online environment.

If students are using a mobile device (phone, tablet, iPad) once they have completed their work, they can upload or take a picture/video of their assignment and/or comment, type a message about their work. When using a desktop or laptop, students can download or print documents to work on them (word document) and after completion can upload them.

Once assignments are sent to us, the teacher responsible for that specific assignment will comment or give feedback to each student. These comments are simultaneously visible to both parents and students.

You will be receiving an invite via email to join Fresh Grade as a parent. (Please follow the given instructions). You can either download the Fresh Grade parent app from your mobile device or access via your computer. Once you have accepted the invite, you will be sent your child’s access code. Please ensure that you supervise your child when they are using ANY technology or learning platform that connects via the internet (Fresh Grade included) as you would normally do.  

Looking forward to taking our e-learning journey together and thank you for your patience.

Ms. Silva & Ms. Sharma


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