January 2025

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a restful and fun Winter Break!  My family and I stayed in town this year and spent lots of time visiting with family and friends.  As always, please scroll to the bottom of this post for upcoming important dates in January.  Here are some highlights about what’s coming up for students in January.

Field Trips

First, I am excited to announce that students will have the opportunity to attend a few field trips this term!  On Tuesday, January 14th all intermediate students will attend the second Young People’s Concert.  This performance is presented by ILumiDance Rainbow Dance Theatre.  In this interactive performance, students see three dances featuring electronic costumes, props, and puppets.  We will leave Glenwood at 12:45 and return by 2:30.

Ice Skating

Second, students in Divisions 1-3 will be travelling to Rosemary Brown Arena for skating.  Students will grouped by their ice skating experience, receive skating lessons from Burnaby Parks and Rec staff, and have time for free skating.  Our class will be travelling by parent volunteer driver.  The dates are: Thursday, Jan. 23, Thursday, Feb. 6 and Thursday Feb. 20th.  Permission forms will be going home this week.  If you have any questions, please contact me.


This month in math, we will be learning about multiplication and division.  Multiplication and division is a new math concept for students in grade 3.  They will be focussing on developing foundational concepts including skip-counting forward and backward, relating repeated addition to multiplication, relating repeated subtraction to division, and using concrete, pictorial, and numerical representations.  Memorization is not expected for grade 3 students.

Students in grade 4 will continue to develop skills and strategies for solving multiplication and division equations, up to 10X10 (and the related division facts).  Memorization of the 2X, 5X, and 10X facts (and related division facts) is the goal at the end of this math unit.

  Math Extra Practice

This week, students will be taking home a Math Fact Fluency booklet.  This extra practice booklet will allow students to practice their math skills and strategies at home.  Students in grade 3 will continue to practice fact fluency for addition and subtraction facts.  Students in grade 4 will practice multiplication and division.  Once students are finished their booklet, they can return it to school, receive a small prize, and take home a new booklet.

Science / ADST

For term 2, we are taking a break from Outdoor Learning, and focussing on hands-on activities with Applied Design, Skills and Technology (ADST).  We will connect our learning in Science to this topic.  In Science, we will be learning about the states of matter and how matter changes phases through hands-on activities.


Finally, Ms. Jang will be planning and teaching a unit in art this term.  Ms. Jang is very excited to explore art and different art-making processes with the class over the next several weeks.

  • Tuesday, January 14th – Young People’s Concert (students in grades 4-7 attend)
  • Thursday, January 23 – Skating at Rosemary Brown Arena (morning)

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