Should we serve seals??


Should we be serving seals in restaurants?

This blog is about if we should serve seals, this idea came after a restaurant called Edible Canada (Edible Canada) is serving seals and a lot of people are saying “We shouldn’t serve seals” or “Seals should be served Because” So our Teacher wanted to see if we should serve seals or Not.

Well this is what I think, I think we should serve seals because they are a good source of protein, Vitamin B12 and iron can be met with 40 grams of seal meat.


And also the Canadian Government allows it!!! The Government allows about 400,000 seals a YEAR! But we currently have harvested about 36,000 Seals, So if the Government allows it (since he’s like the most popular person in the world) it means we can eat seals.


Harp seal mother and pup

A Baby Harp Seal with it`s Mommy

 So that`s why i think it`s okay to serve seals (Harp Seals) in restaurants.

Reduce, reuse and recycle

Why do we reduce, reuse or recycle

Image result for recycle
The reason why we recycle is because if we keep throwing recyclable things everywhere, then soon our whole world will become a giant landfill.The reason that we reuse because if we just recycle everything then it’s going to be a lot of pollution in the air, the reason there is going to be a lot of pollution in the air because the machines that melt the plastic and make it into something new it uses gas or some type of fuel to make it work.So if something uses gas or fuel it creates smoke and the smoke goes into the air.That’s the reason why I think we should reuse.The reason why we should also reduce, so we can reduce pollution from the machines that are making plastic.Also if we use less plastic companies can stop tearing down trees to make factories.That’s why I think we should reduce, reuse and recycle.

Aquavan reflection

Aqua van ReflectionImage result for Aquavan vancouver

When I went to the aquavan presentation I met Fred, Katy, Robin and Julia. They were talking about the arctic and where the south pole and the north pole is. First they asked us to point at antarctica then showed us how far the ice of the arctic a thousand years ago and how it increased or decreased throughout the years. Then they split us into 4 groups of 8-10 people.

First my group went to our station and we talked about seals and how they lived. We also talked about if the icebergs melted then it will mess up the food chain.First the icebergs and if the icebergs and the glaciers melt then all of the small animals that live under them will all be extinct.After all of the animals under the icebergs and glaciers die then fish can’t eat so soon all of fish in the arctic will all dead.Then if all of the fish die then it’s predators the seal or narwhals can’t eat so then they will become extinct.After the seal and the narwhals become extinct then whoever the predator of the animal is/polar bear can’t eat then if the polar bear can’t eat then soon they will cease to exist. Finally if the polar bear doesn’t exist anymore then people who live in the north can’t eat the some people will start starving then die.That’s what Fred showed us about the food chain. Plus between every station they show us real alive animals that live in the ocean. After went to the next station and learned about the arctic fox and how they lived in their natural habitat.We also learned how they camouflage in the snow like polar bears.After we went to see the arctic fox we learned about turtle and tortoises and how big they can get.

FACT: Turtles and tortoises can get up to 2 meters in height.

Finally we went to see the killer whales and how they communicate from far distances.

FACT: Killer whale can hear from their jaws just like humans.

After when my group finished we went to the middle of the gym and waited until the other groups finish.After when everyone finished everybody got in a circle and shared what we learned and what was new to you and what was a review. After we finished we said thank you to Fred, Katy, Robin and julia.

And that concludes my reflection.
The presenter’s name were fake to protect their identity. Picture by Jericho sailing centre