Friday and the Red Flag Fleet

I lost myself in thinking ‘bout
That Red Flag Pirate fleet,
The captives taken to their ship
And trials they might meet.

I know ‘bout probability
Their chances di’n’t look great
Lingsi seemed sure to farkle* once
That sailor dropped that crate.

She risked it all; she summoned up
What courage she could find.
Surprised that dreaded pirate queen
With powers of her mind.

What lesson do you take from her?
That queen knew to take heed.
There’s nothing quite so valuable
As knowing how to read!

*Farkle is a game of chance played with dice in which to Farkle means getting a bad roll causing the player to lose points and lose their turn.

I look forward to seeing eveyone’s reaction to the story, your writing, your videos and all your efforts from this week (which is quickly passing by!).

Enjoy the poem in the video below (you should recognise the meter!), and spend some time on some poetry you might include in a card on Sunday.

1 thought on “Friday and the Red Flag Fleet

  1. The Red Flag Fleet it’s a very inspiring story that I toke as, sometimes you will follow your heart and sometimes you will follow your gut, but it’s very important that you are prepared in life, the more acknowledge you have the better decisions you will made, and sometimes, following your insights it would pay off..

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