Skating, Ghost Gum and We Rock

STUFFY DAY! The class has worked hard showing kindness, good listening skills and focused attention in Music class, earning them a “We Rock” prize day!  The students chose to have a movie and to bring in stuffies and wear pajamas. What an amazing group this is! 

SKATINGWhat a fun day of skating we had!  The students were both eager and nervous about our first time skating.  All of the students who were using the plastic support bars were able to try to push themselves to skate a short distance (some longer distances) and I am proud of them for that! 

Ghost Gum- When I was a young child, we used to go camping a lot.While camping my brothers and I used to knead marshmallows in our fingers until it changed the composition enough to make the marshmallow more chewable. I thought I would teach this childhood activity to the students and here are the photos of this fun, sticky experiment! 

Social Skills- We talked about how to recognize someone’s feelings and what we can say to show support for that person. For example, if we see that they are sad about something, we can recognize the feeling we see and ask if they would like to talk about it or if they need some help or support. Then we can try to help make them feel better by helping to solve the problem or by removing them from the situation and getting them to think of happier things. The students had scenarios to act out and show what each group would do to help and try to solve each situation.

THANK YOU! My heart swells with such love for this group….they surprised me with a lovely and very thoughtful card and some sentimental notes about what they enjoy in our class…..such a treat and a lovely way to celebrate a birthday! Thank you to each of the students and to Ms.Hall! 


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