Hello there, Division 10 ! I hope you all had a great Monday. Today we will have our next Zoom sessions about 3-D shapes and their attributes.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Zoom Math- please bring paper, a marker, a pencil, and an eraser.  I will email you your assignment after our Zoom sessions. Grade 3’s- 10 AM,  Grade 2’s- 11 AM.  See you there!  

2) Read for 20-30 minutes

3) STEM “Menu” Activity- choose ONE STEM activity from the attached menu below.  However, it can’t be the reading one!  Choose something you are interested in and might be a bit of a challenge for you!  Take a picture when you are done the activity (it can take you more than one day, that’s fine)  with an explanation of what you did and how you designed your product.  Have fun! 

STEM at Home Menus

4) Go for a neighbourhood bike ride or try out some new yoga poses *HERE*! 

Have a terrific Tuesday, Division 10!