Happy Tuesday, Division 10!  I can’t believe we are down to our final two days!  I have been reflecting on the year and I am so proud of all that you have accomplished and the adaptations that you have made to online learning. Way to go, everyone!  Today is a wrap up day and tomorrow is a few end of year fun activities to do.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Farewell to  Second/ Third Grade (Grade 2/3) Scrapbook Page- this one should not take you very long to do. Please make sure to be neat with your writing and use bright colours on the pictures and outlines of the sentence frames.  Have fun!  The activity sheet is below for each grade level.

Farewell Second Grade

Farewell Third Grade

2) Today’s Number- grade 2’s- 95,  grade 3’s- 888

Number of the Week

3) Read for 20-30 minutes

4)Zoom- 1 PM!  I will finish off our read aloud book, we will play a few games, and reminisce about our time in Division 10 🙂  See you there!