Hi, Division 10 ! I hope everyone had a great weekend and had a chance to get outside and play.  I had a chance to go see some of my family this weekend (while still practicing social distancing) and we went for a walk which was very nice 🙂  I am still waiting for a few communication writing assignments to come in.  I will be calling these people today as I need these for your report cards.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Plant Reading Response– carefully read the article 3 times and then highlight key words that will help you answer the questions.  When answering the questions make sure to use FULL SENTENCES and check for spelling, capitals, periods, and sentence sense.  Thank you!  

Plant Reading Response

2) IXL– this week we will be looking at 3D shapes.  Grade 2’s-2-D shape review: S. 2 (Level D)

Grade 3’s-3-D shape review: T.1 (Level D)

3) Read for 20-30 minutes or finish up last week’s Raz Kids assignment.  Thank you! 

We will have our next Zoom sessions tomorrow at 10 AM (Grade 3’s) and 11 AM (Grade 2’s). Have a great Monday and I will see you tomorrow!