English 9H:
Assignment for TTTH collected at the start of class.
Silent reading.
Watch/listen to spoken word poem, “To This Day” by Shane Koyczan. Pink shirt day is tomorrow – Feb 26th. Please wear pink to show your solidarity with the movement to make not only our school, but our society, more tolerant, kind and inclusive of everyone.
Creative writing prompt #5 (for portfolio): if you missed today’s class, please complete this prompt at home and add to your portfolio when you’re back; don’t forget to update your TOC!
5) Describe an area in your life where you feel like an outsider, and how you’ve learned to navigate this.
English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4):
Lit Circle #6.
Remaining class time to finish/correct poetry analysis from Friday’s class and/or read/prep for LC #7 which is on Tues, Mar 4th.
REMINDER TO STUDENTS I HAVE REACHED OUT TO PERSONALLY WHO NEED TO RE-TAKE THE POETRY TERMS QUIZ DUE TO FAILING GRADE FEB 21: you must attend flex with me on Thurs (Feb 27) at 8:45am to do an alternate quiz. Failure to show up for this make up session will have your original grade stand in your Term 2 marks.
English 12:
Go over analysis for “Because My Father…”
Hand out reference sheet for writing a synthesis paper.
Class time to begin planning outline for synthesis write during class on Thurs. If you missed today’s class, you must plan your outline at home (be careful not to over write it or it will be confiscated at the start of the next class) so you are prepared to write the synthesis paper with the class on Thurs (Feb 27). Use the following link to access the outline, print it off yourself and complete: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2025/02/Eng-12-Synthesis-Essay-Outline.docx
The short stories written by Thomas King and Sherman Alexie, who are both Indigenous authors, are more valid pieces of writing about issues facing Indigenous people than, “One, Two, Three Little Indians” by Hugh Garner, who was white and of British descent. Agree or disagree.
A minimum of two quotes are required in this paper to support your points. Ensure you cite the author and page #. Example: (King, 386).
Use of first person is acceptable for this paper.
No contractions are to be used in formal writing.