Mrs Dubé

A homework site for students in my classes.

March 14, 2025 – Day 1

English 9H: 

Silent reading.

Collect short story textbooks and update book cards.

Remaining class time to plan/draft legend writing assignment (for portfolio).

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4): 

Lottery for choice of time slot for oral presentations the week back after the break.

Work block for Lit Circle group oral presentations. Reminder that students will also have all class on Apr 1 to polish their presentations. Presentations begin Apr 3rd.

English 12: 

Short story unit final exam. If you missed today’s class and your absence is not officially excused in MyEd, you have earned a zero for this assessment. If you were away and your absence has been officially excused, you must come to flex at 8:30am on Tues, April 1 and 8:30am on Thurs, Apr 3 to write an alternate exam which is divided into two sections (due to time constraint as our class is starting our new unit on Apr 1).


March 12, 2025 – Day 1

English 9H: 

Short story unit final exam.

Students have all period to write; if they finish early, hand in exam and silent read until the end of the class.

Please bring textbooks to class Friday for collection.

English 11CW (Pd 2 &4): 

Class time provided for Lit Circle groups to begin planning their group oral presentation (happening after the break). Students will also be given all of Friday’s class to work on, prepare, and practice their oral presentations. Please bring necessary items including props, laptops, tablets etc.

Student learning survey completed in B119.

English 12: 

Review sheet for short story unit final exam (on Fri, Mar 14) in class. If you missed today’s class, use the following link to access the review sheet to support your studying: Eng 12 SS Final Exam Review

*** ensure you come to flex Friday morning if you have questions about your studying if you are unsure of something ***

Student learning survey completed in B119.

March 10, 2025 – Day 1

English 9H: 

Study block for short story unit final exam which is on Weds (Mar 12).

If students feel prepared for the exam, begin legend planning sheet (you get a writing period on Fri the 14th and the first class back after break on Apr 1) to work on your legend pieces (for portfolio for Term 3).

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4): 

Lit Circle #8.

Self and peer assessments.

Hand out criteria for group oral presentation. Students get time in class on Weds and Fri this week to work on their presentations with their groups. Please bring all necessary supplies, including lap tops/tablets. Oral presentations take place the first week back after Spring Break.

English 12: 

Review analysis for “The Shining Houses.”

Read “Masque of the Red Death” on p. 197; analysis sheet. Please note that this story will also be included on the final exam on Fri.

Students will get an exam review next day and the short story unit final exam is on Fri (Mar 14).

March 6, 2025 – Day 1


English 9H: 

Silent reading.

Hand out short story unit exam review sheet. The final exam is on Weds, March 12th. Students will be given a study block on Monday, March 10th to help prepare for the assessment. If you missed today’s class, please click the following link to access the sheet so you can begin reviewing at home:

Exploring Indigenous legends: read “The Two Sisters” by Pauline Johnson and “Raven Steals the Light.” If you missed today’s class, you can use the following links to access copies of the legends: and I can provide you with a hard copy of both legends next day.

Begin legend writing project. This is for your TERM 3 portfolio. You will be given a work block for your legends on Mar 14th and Apr 1st.

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4): 

Silent reading. Students are encouraged to read their lit circle novels to finish their books. Reminder that the final lit circle is Mon, March 10th.

Poetry lesson. If you missed today’s class, you can get this from me when I see you on Monday.

English 12: 

Analysis quiz. If you missed today’s class and your absence is not excused, you have earned a zero for this assessment. If you missed class and your absence is excused in MyEd, you need to email me ASAP to arrange to make the quiz up in flex on Monday. 

Reminder: short story unit final exam is Fri, Mar 14th. 

March 4, 2025 – Day 1

English 9H: 

Venn diagram assignment collected at the start of class.

Silent reading.

Review analysis for both Poe stories from last week.

Read, “How to Tell Renata” (p. 119) and complete analysis sheet.

Short story unit FINAL EXAM will be on Weds, March 12th. I will do a review class on Mon, March 10th. 

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4):

Lit Circle # 7.

Remaining class time to read/prep for final lit circle (Mar 10) and/or ensure portfolio is up to date.

English 12: 

Read, “The Rocking-Horse Winner” (p. 220) and complete analysis sheet.

Short answer comprehension assignment: p. 235 #2, 3 and 5 (collected at the end of class). If you missed today’s class, you must read this story and complete the questions to bring with you to next class. Please ensure you copy the analysis sheet information off a classmate so you have correct study materials.’

REMINDER: analysis quiz on Thurs (Mar 6). You will need your textbook. Students will be permitted to have the short story terms handbook to support them while completing this quiz; no other notes will be alllowed.

The short story unit FINAL EXAM will be written in class on Fri, Mar 14th. If you are absent from this class with an unexcused absence, you will earn a zero for this assessment.

February 27, 2025 – Day 1

English 9H: 

End of term self-evaluation. If you missed today’s class, please get this from me on Tues.

Read “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe. If you missed today’s class, google this title and you can find a copy to read online.

Complete analysis sheet for both “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Black Cat” at home; we will review in class Tues.

Venn diagram assignment to compare/contrast “The Black Cat” and “The Tell-Tale Heart”; 6-8 points per section; students wishing extending will also include one quote in each of the three Venn sections that is properly punctuated and cited. Due at the start of class Tues.

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4):

End of term self-evaluation. If you missed today’s class, please get this from me on Tues.

Silent reading (students can read their Lit Circle novel to prep for LC #7 which is Tues, Mar 4).

Poetry lesson c’ont.

Watch “Broken English” by Rupi Kaur (spoken word poetry). If you missed today’s class, a google search will allow you to find one of many videos she has made for this piece.

Journal reflection (for portfolio):

Write your thoughts, feelings, observations, or even ideas you have about the genre of spoken word poetry now that we have watched the work of Francisco, Koyczan and Kaur.

-What do you like or not like about it?

-How does it challenge what you might believe a traditional study of poetry might be like?

-Be specific – what feelings/emotions came to mind/heart for you when watching the pieces we have in class?

February 25, 2025 – Day 1

English 9H: 

Assignment for TTTH collected at the start of class.

Silent reading.

Watch/listen to  spoken word poem, “To This Day” by Shane Koyczan. Pink shirt day is tomorrow – Feb 26th. Please wear pink to show your solidarity with the movement to make not only our school, but our society, more tolerant, kind and inclusive of everyone.

Creative writing prompt #5 (for portfolio): if you missed today’s class, please complete this prompt at home and add to your portfolio when you’re back; don’t forget to update your TOC!

5) Describe an area in your life where you feel like an outsider, and how you’ve learned to navigate this.

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4):

Lit Circle #6.

Remaining class time to finish/correct poetry analysis from Friday’s class and/or read/prep for LC #7 which is on Tues, Mar 4th.

REMINDER TO STUDENTS I HAVE REACHED OUT TO PERSONALLY WHO NEED TO RE-TAKE THE POETRY TERMS QUIZ DUE TO FAILING GRADE FEB 21: you must attend flex with me on Thurs (Feb 27) at 8:45am to do an alternate quiz. Failure to show up for this make up session will have your original grade stand in your Term 2 marks.

English 12: 

Go over analysis for “Because My Father…”

Hand out reference sheet for writing a synthesis paper.

Class time to begin planning outline for synthesis write during class on Thurs. If you missed today’s class, you must plan your outline at home (be careful not to over write it or it will be confiscated at the start of the next class) so you are prepared to write the synthesis paper with the class on Thurs (Feb 27). Use the following link to access the outline, print it off yourself and complete:


The short stories written by Thomas King and Sherman Alexie, who are both Indigenous authors, are more valid pieces of writing about issues facing Indigenous people than, “One, Two, Three Little Indians” by Hugh Garner, who was white and of British descent. Agree or disagree.

A minimum of two quotes are required in this paper to support your points. Ensure you cite the author and page #. Example: (King, 386).

Use of first person is acceptable for this paper.

No contractions are to be used in formal writing.


February 21, 2025 – Day 1

English 9H: 

Silent reading.

Introduce and overview Edgar Allan Poe.

Read, “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe. This story is on a photocopy but if you missed today’s class, a quick google search should bring many copies for you to choose from to read online.

Comprehension and analysis assignment (due Tues, Feb 25).

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4): 

Poetry terms quiz at the start of class. If you missed today’s class and your absence is excused in the computer, you must attend flex on Tues (Feb 25) morning to make up an alternate quiz. Unexcused absences for today’s class earn a zero on this quiz.

Poetry analysis: read “English B” by Langston Hughes and “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks. Analysis assignment collected at the end of class.

If you missed today’s class, source copies of these poems online to read and then complete the following analysis questions for BOTH poems:

  1. What does the title mean?
  2. Identify the theme (central idea) of each poem. How does the theme convey the poem’s message?

REMINDER: Lit Circle #6 is Tues, Feb 25th.

English 12: 

Read, “One-Two-Three Little Indians” by Hugh Garner.

Analysis sheets for “Totem,” and “One-Two…”

Revisit discussion on the appropriation of cultural voice with relation to Indigenous themes and topics given the fact that Garner is white.

February 19, 2025 – Day 1

English 9H: 

Silent reading.

Review analysis sheet for “All Summer in a Day.”

Read “Long, Long After School” (p. 112). Analysis sheet. If you missed today’s class, please ensure you have this story read before Friday’s class.

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4): 

Review my homework site and student responsibility in the event of an absence; review provincial cell phone policy in secondary schools.

Lit Circle # 5.

Annotating Simon and Garfunkel poems c’ont.

REMINDER: Poetry terms quiz at the start of class Friday (Feb 21). Ensure you review your terms booklet and don’t be late!

English 12: 

Review analysis sheet for “Two Kinds.”

Discuss Indigenous voice in literature; recall FN topics and themes from our unit on Wagamese’s Medicine Walk.

Read “Totem” (p. 386).

Jimi Hendrix video.

Read “Because My Father Always Said He Was the Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at Woodstock” by Sherman Alexie. I have this as a photocopy; if you missed today’s class and can’t source this story online, come see me in flex on Friday to get a copy to read before class Fri afternoon.

February 14, 2025 – Day 1

Thank you to Mr Terpening for coming in as a TTOC for me!

REMINDER: I reports will be issued next week (Feb 21) to any student in any of my classes who is not currently passing their English course. 

English 9H: 

In-class writing assessment for “All Summer in a Day.” If you missed the class, you will need to come to flex on Weds (Feb 19) at 8:20am to make this up.

English 11CW (Pd 2 & 4):

Lit Circle #4.

Remaining class time to read/prep for LC #5 which is Weds, Feb 19th.

English 12: 

In-class writing assessment for “Two Kinds.” If you missed the class, you will need to come to flex on Weds (Feb 19) at 8:20am to make this up.

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