Social Studies – Mrs. Cramb's Class

Category: Social Studies

Immigration, current events

February 2016

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This month we have anti bullying day coming,


Chinese New Year, and Healthy Heart activities as well as our focus on Habit #4: Think Win Win.healthy heart

In class, some of the big ideas we are focusing on learning about are:

  • Writing: text features, poems, persuasive writing, and short stories. To see some of our class poems, click here
  • Reading: developing good strategies for improving comprehension and fluency. To access the chapter assignments, click here.
  • Social studies: Things that have shaped Canada and  past discriminatory practices in Canada
  • Science: Resources – renewable and non-renewable and which  is the most important resource
  • Math – we are almost finished our unit on developing  multiplication and division strategies –  UNIT TEST will be at the end of next week.
  • French- we just finished making some very creative mobiles to explain a little about ourselves, our likes and mobile

Technology skills: are helping us communicate our learning, but also helping students develop their understanding of how to be a great digital citizen.

Please comment on which theme you think is most important to recognize and explain your reason.  Write your comment in the format of a short letter to me.



April 24, 2015



Division 3 had the best ever field trip on Monday April 20. We went to the Vancouver Aquarium. We saw many interesting displays about animals and their habitats including those believed to be endangered species. The highlights also included seeing a 4-D movie about sea monsters from long ago. Many thanks to parent leaders for their help keeping us safe, and to TranLink for providing free bus passes for the entire class for the day! We were the lucky recipients of a field trip draw in the fall.
































Here is the question for you to answer by clicking on the “comment” icon and writing me a letter :

Do you think wild animals should be kept in captivity in places like the aquarium? Explain why or why not.

Nov. 20, 2014


Guest bloggers  are Alyssa and Jessica
and comment from Nathan about Microbeads

Polluting the earth

Polluting the earth

-Read 30  minutes everyday

Speeches on current events – 1 minute long (your choice  of topic) You need to be ready to share your speech by Monday, Tues or Wed. next week.

-Math 5 homework p.66 #7-13 Monday

-Math 5 test lessons 4-7  Monday

-S.S. Water Management -Tuesday

-Book Study -Friday

-French 5 numbers sheet and practice ”diologue”-Monday

-Math 6- return test! Do as much of the input output machines as you can.

– Word study  sentences-Friday

We discussed some current issues in class today. One topic that came up was polluting our earth.

Too much nasty smoke!

Too much nasty smoke!

Please comment on your thoughts about pollution. Do you pollute our earth?




Nathan Cai Grade 4

Hello fellow readers! There has been a serious discovery that our grade four class has learned. Do you know what that is? It is microbeads. They are small plastic beads that are in personal care products such as toothpaste, face wash, and many more. Microbeads are the shiny dots in Crest and Colgate toothpastes and deep clean face washes. The microbeads cause pollution to the oceans and the great lakes because they are non biodegradable. After it enters the sewer system, it affects our food chain because the fish eat the beads, and if we eat the fish, it will enter our bodies. Luckily, there are some companies that are banning the use of microbeads. Thank you for reading my paragraph on microbeads.

Check in to see what some of our other readers and writers think about microbeads, and other forms of pollution!

We have almost finished reading White Jade Tiger by Julie Lawson. Write me a letter on the blog telling me what you thought about this story.  Were there messages you think the author thought were important? What did you find interesting, surprising or  even shocking. What was your favourite part and why?   I look forward to  reading your letters.

Welcome back from Spring Break!

Don’t forget tomorrow is our BIG field trip 

  • Be at school at 8:15 am
  • Bring: Lunch, and snack
  • wear water proof pants
  • wear water proof boots
  • warm jacket
  • mittens, toque
  • Electronics – no Ipods.  Cell phones must always be in pockets.  Cameras are allowed but at your own risk. Students are responsible for their own cameras.
  • There will not be time to buy snacks or other goodies.
Hope everyone has fun.  You will see the First Nations Long House, owls and go snowshoeing. 

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