April 24, 2015 – Mrs. Cramb's Class

April 24, 2015

| Posted in Current events, Field Trips, Social Studies, The Scientists corner


Division 3 had the best ever field trip on Monday April 20. We went to the Vancouver Aquarium. We saw many interesting displays about animals and their habitats including those believed to be endangered species. The highlights also included seeing a 4-D movie about sea monsters from long ago. Many thanks to parent leaders for their help keeping us safe, and to TranLink for providing free bus passes for the entire class for the day! We were the lucky recipients of a field trip draw in the fall.
































Here is the question for you to answer by clicking on the “comment” icon and writing me a letter :

Do you think wild animals should be kept in captivity in places like the aquarium? Explain why or why not.

16 thoughts on “April 24, 2015”

  1. Gina says:

    Hi Mrs.Cramb! The field trip sounded like fun!

    I am neutral about having animals in aquariums. Sometimes having them in captivity can save the species and sometimes not. First, when they are in an aquarium, they are fed at certain times of the day. In the wild, they have to hunt for the food themselves. Second, the habitats for the animals in aquariums are built specially for the animal. In the wild, they have to travel to get to the right habitat. Lastly, there is always harm and no harm in capitative and non captivate places. If I were to argue, I would not take a side because they all have there flaws.

    Thanks Bye!

  2. diya01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs. C.,
    No, because we should keep them in the wild and let them be free, wild animals should be able to live in their own habitats without getting bothered.

  3. jessica01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs. C,
    I don’t think that wild animals should be kept in captivity because they already have a home in the wild and they have already adapted to their surroundings.
    But, if they were hurt then yes, because they may forget how to live in the wild because they may expect the people to be there to help them .

  4. alyssa01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb,
    No, I don’t think animals should be kept in captivity. If the animals are wild animals, I think they have the right to stay in their natural habitats. But if you are driving or walking and you see a hurt animal then I also think you should bring the animal in to an aquarium or something so they can heal the animal and release it when it is ready to be out in the wild again.
    ~ A.J.~

  5. evan01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs.Cramb,
    I think you shouldn’t keep animals in captivity because it’s like slavery but I also think you should keep animals in captivity because if the animals are hurt or sick they need to be cared for.
    From: E.L.

  6. carson01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs.Cramb
    I think it is wrong to keep them in captivity because they might feel harassed if everybody is looking at them

  7. alex01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb,
    Animals in the wild should be kept in the wild and live in their own habitats and go on with their lifestyle. Animals who have been hurt or lost should be kept and be treated with care and helped back to health and released when they are ready.

  8. andrew01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb
    Depends on what condition the animal is in. If the wild animal is injured and cannot survive on it’s own in the wild, then it should be kept in captivity. If the animal is in perfectly good heath, they shouldn’t be kept in captivity because they already probably have adapted to life and habitat in the wild and also because the animal will have a hard time adapting to life in the aquarium.

    From Andrew

  9. carson01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs.Cramb
    I think it is wrong to keep wild animals in captivity because they may feel harassed if everybody is looking at them alot.


  10. ralph01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs.Cramb,
    I think animals should be kept at the aquarium because if they don’t the animals might be in great danger or badly hurt.

  11. crambl says:

    Dear Mrs C.
    Yes I think wild animals should be kept in the aquarium. Care givers teach them to do tricks like jumping out from the water. Care givers give them food and protect them.

  12. justin01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear, Mrs. Cramb, I think animals should only be in captivity if they are an endangered animal or if the animal is hurt, then it should be in captivity until the animal is healed. Then they should released the animal, so it can live it’s normal life style. If the animal is endangered they shouldn’t ever release it.

  13. kendra01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb,
    I don’t think people should take animals from the wild into captivity. The animals already live there and they deserve to be undisturbed. The only exception is if the animals need help, we human kind, can help.You shouldn’t take animals into captivity because if you do, they may lose their skills that you would need in the wild, such as hunting, or finding shelter. They may forget the dangers in the wild, and they could never be able to survive in the wild again.

    From, K

  14. kaleigh01-20 bbyed says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb
    I don’t think animals should be kept in captivity because they need space and they’re not use to the environment that we have. Also they need to live life as it is even if there’s a possibility of dying. But if they’re sick or wounded then we should help them get better.

  15. eshan01-20 bbyed says:

    Mrs. Cramb,
    I think it depends, if the animal is sick than yes it should be in captivity to get better then get released. If it is healthy then it should be in the wild because being in captivity would be boring!

  16. susan02-20 bbyed says:

    I don’t think we should keep healthy animals in captivity. If the animals are sick, hurt, or an orphan we should help then put them back in the wild as soon as possible. SM

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