Lap top project – Mobile Learning – Mrs. Cramb's Class

Lap top project – Mobile Learning

| Posted in technology in the classroom, Writing links

animals-dog-pet-computer-laptop-deleting-trhn169lWe are now into our 4th month of working with the laptops. I`d like to know what you think. Please add your comments to this post sharing your thoughts on the use of laptops in the classroom.

The big question is: How does the use of laptops in the classroom improve students`learning?

Think about using our Class blog and Google Drive

12 thoughts on “Lap top project – Mobile Learning”

  1. dj01-18 says:

    Since we’re using ipads some time soon, I think using laptops frequently would help with our knowledge on how to work the ipads a lot.

    1. nico says:

      I totally agree, I love working with the laptops because its a fun way to learn. I love to use technology because of some of the features like, changing the colour of the text, and I think I can write faster.It makes me feel more like writing or making presentations with tools like power point.

  2. laura01-18 SD41 says:

    I think that laptops help improve my learning because they are a great new and efficient way to improve our learning. The laptops also slowly improve our typing skills, which is great for high school and university. In general using new technology going to improve our future!

  3. spencer 01-81 says:

    Laptops are a vital learning resource, and I think they can do many cool things for us.They are very cool,and we should use them more often.

    1. crambl says:

      What do you mean by “they can do cool things for us”?

  4. nico says:

    I love working with tech. I also think its a cool, new, and interesting way to learn. ill write more later

  5. gina01-18 SD41 says:

    I think laptops help my learning by working up my computer skills.
    This is a way for me to get better at typing, figuring things out, and finding out new ways to do certain things on Google Docs. When I first went onto Google Docs I did not know what to do, I was so confused. Now I know what to do and I can help other students too.

  6. alysha01-18 SD41 says:

    I think its great using laptops because we can learn new things and programs like Google Docs. Google docs is an awesome program to help improve our typing and writing skills. I also think that the 5 minute write is a challenge to type fast and get used to the computer. I think we should do the 5 minute write almost every time we get to use the computers.

  7. Jacie Ru says:

    I think using laptops or computers help you learn in a way because when you go into secondary, you will use screens a lot, so I think this is a good practise time.

  8. gia01-18 SD41 says:

    I think it helps us get better information for our speeches. We get information about the subject we are going to talk about. Information on the internet is more accurate than getting books from the library since information on the internet is more up to date than in books. Also when we share our work on Google docs, it gives us a chance to compare our opinions and thinking to other peoples opinions.

    1. crambl says:

      Yes the information may be more up to date, however you must be careful to ensure you are looking at reliable sites to get this information. How do you know how if a site is reliable or not?

      1. gia01-18 says:

        I know if the website is reliable it ends in .org. So whenever I look for reliable information I remember that there should be .org at the end of the name of he website

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