Elliott Smith

Either/Or album cover

Elliott Smith is regarded as the father of “emo rock,” but I think limiting him and his music to this one classification is misleading. His music is definitely somber, but that doesn’t mean it lacks any more depth than any other genre of music.  I remember listening to his music for the first time and wishing I could create something that intimate. The themes in his music often allude to his struggle with substance abuse and mental health. I love the way Elliott Smith didn’t try to change or conform his style in a way that would maybe attract more listeners. He made whatever he felt like making. He will always be remembered and well loved.

Rod Stewart

Rod Stewart, a British singer and songwriter whose music ranges from Rock to Soft Rock and began his music career in the 1960s. He still sings to this day being 75 years of age. Fans of Rod Stewart know him for his signature raspy voice. His first single, released in 1971, was “Maggie May” in which it was ranked 131 of 500 in 2004. I find his music very spread apart as his singing ranges from different pitches. I really admire his determination as he has been singing for almost 40 years of his life, and has never given up.

Rod Stewart - Wikipedia


Mndsgn or Mind Design

Music | Mndsgn.


I saw somebody share Mid-Air Thief but i didn’t see who it was so here is someone that’s up there with him.

i thought you might like this artist, the synth style is similar, the drum and bass is a little harder but you get the idea.


The art of house-techno-trap

I never thought of myself as a big techno music fan until I found myself listening to Yaeji and similar artists for over 10 hours straight at one point. It’s a genre that can fit almost any mood, whether you just want something playing in the background while doing hw, a good party playlist when dj’ing or when your existential crisis hits at 4am.

Yaeji is a producer, singer, rapper, DJ from Brooklyn who keeps everybody on the hook with her amazing evolution and style change on every new EP.  Being bilingual she used that opportunity to write in both Korean and English, reaching a wide audience from her hometown city in South Korea and the US. Her voice is defiant even though she often sings in a whisper; her tone is melodic and angular. Her flow is like that of a rapper,  she links together rhymes and keeps rhythm, but there’s also an energy lurking beneath her delivery that echoes classic, soaring house singers.

Here’s a lil interview to get a glimpse of her personality. I would definitely recommend checking her out especially if you’re not familiar with this genre! She’s rlly cool.

Mid-Air Thief

Mid-Air Thief is an artist I discovered through Spotify’s recommended system, I starting listening when their 2018 album “Crumbling” released. Though I had never heard of them they upon further research they are quite popular in their area of operation: South Korea. They have an album prior but the more recent one is of much better quality in my opinion.

Crumbling is a magical journey of an album with swirling bubbly synths, solid guitar leads and hauntingly smooth vocals, the language barrier is non-existent as the feeling is so strongly presented in the sea of sounds Mid-Air thief allows the listener to backstroke and float through. The album won “Best Dance and Electronic Album” at the 2019 Korean Music Awards.