Spring Break – Burnaby Programs & Activities

Spring – Burnaby Programs & Activities

Thank you to the STADD Team for supporting local students and families!

The links and resources provided are meant to assist and support families to stay engaged, informed, and to provide new learning opportunities.


Autism Community Training – Spring and Summer 2021 Community Events | For More Info: https://www.actcommunity.ca/special-needs-community-events

ACT lists workshops and conferences in BC related to Autism and other special needs that are provided by local agencies and organizations.

Burnaby Village Museum | For More Info: https://www.burnabyvillagemuseum.ca/EN/main/visit/hours-rates.html

Canada Aviation and Space Museum | For More Info: https://ingeniumcanada.org/aviation/visit

Burnaby Village Museum is open seasonally. Admission is free. Advance online reservations are required. Please note the carousel and gift shop are closed.

Canucks Autism Network – Spring Program Guide | For More Info:https://www.canucksautism.ca/drive/uploads/2021/02/CAN-Program-Guide-Spring-2021- Feb26.pdf

Spring 2021 programming details including virtual monthly programs for youth and adults 13 to 17 and 18 and over.

City of New Westminster – Spring Break Brochure | Registration Opened February 25th | For More Info: https://citypage.newwestcity.ca/a1008178142073154995084cb5bd2942/start- planning-your-spring-break-activities

City of Burnaby – Spring Programs | Registration Opened March 1st | For More Info:https://www.burnaby.ca/Things-To-Do/Be-Active-Programs/Programs-for-Everyone.html

Down Syndrome Resource Foundation (DSRF) – Adult Programs | For More Info:https://fundraise.dsrf.org/event/dsrf-group-program-registration/e260792

The DSRF has a variety of adult programs available for consideration.

Down Syndrome Resource Foundation (DSRF) – Spring Programs | For More Info:https://www.dsrf.org/programs-&-resources/our-programs/

Spring 2021 programming details including small group classes for youth and adults.

Easter Seals – Online Classes & Day Camp Programs – Spring Break Day Camps &Spring Social Club | Ages 16 to 18 | For More Info: https://www.eastersealsbcy.ca/online- camps/page19image3543300400

All visitors must reserve their tickets in advance online. This includes Ingenium Members and those visiting during the free hour.

Easter Seals – Online Classes & Day Camp Programs – Spring Social Clubs | Ages 19 to 49 | For More Info: https://www.eastersealsbcy.ca/online-camps/

Science World | For More Info: https://www.scienceworld.ca/visit-us/
Fraser River Discovery Centre | For More Info: https://fraserriverdiscovery.org/hours/

H.R. MacMillan Space Centre | For More Info: https://www.spacecentre.ca/hours Maplewood Farm | For More Info: https://maplewoodfarm.bc.ca/hours-prices/

Museum of Vancouver | For More Info: https://museumofvancouver.ca/

UBC Summer Science Program 2021 | Now accepting applications | For More Info: https://health.aboriginal.ubc.ca/programming/summer-science/

There are two programs available to Indigenous students in grades 8 to 11:

The Summer Science program (June 27th to July 10th, 2021) is an in-person one-week cultural, health and science program for Indigenous students in grades 8-11.

The Virtual Indigenous Science Experience (VISE – July 19th to 23rd, 2021) was created in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This program was created to allow accessibility to CEIH’s long running Summer Science Programming to allow for safe learning and connecting.

Vancouver Art Gallery | For More Info: https://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/




https://bpl.bc.ca/people-help/bpl-for-teens/club-quaranteen | Email: teenservices@bpl.bc.ca

Club QuaranTEEN is a low-key virtual program for teens to chat about pop culture, media, and life! We meet on ZOOM, watch short films (3-5 minutes long) and discuss them. All teens are welcome!

CoMakeDo | For More Info: https://www.comakedo.ca/

CoMakeDo is an experience platform offering things for people to try and do throughout the week. If you’re worried about learning how to connect online, support is offered to help you get over your technical challenges! This site combines the efforts of many agencies including Kudoz, Real Talk, Meraki, and others.

Kudoz | For More Info: https://kudoz.ca/

Kudoz is an experience platform connecting people with and without disabilities to find things to do, together. Locals host one-hour experiences, anything from podcasting to learning Korean. Youth and adults with cognitive disabilities search the platform and book experiences to try. It’s free and there’s no waiting list!

Real Talk | For More Info: http://real-talk.org/

Real Talk is a sexual health initiative aimed at people with cognitive disabilities and their supporters. They host educational/social events where people with a cognitive disability can have open, honest conversations about dating, love, relationships, and sex. Sign up for an upcoming online conversation, movie night and/or check out their resource section. Website –

ZAP | North Shore Disability Resource Centre | Open to CLBC eligible youth 19 and over (or 16+ if currently at home) | For More Info: Email Kathy at k.nyoni@nsdrc.org | Phone: 604-240- 1277

ZAP is a virtual service, on Zoom, for adults with disabilities who are isolated and want to socialize. This program is designed for individuals who want to improve their academic, vocational, life skills and social life during the COVID 19 pandemic. It is free of charge and self- referrals are accepted.


Youth Week Logo Designs

Burnaby Youth Week Logo Contest

Maywood Community School Designs 👏

Great work Divisions 1 & 2!
Your logo designs have been submitted to the City of Burnaby’s Youth Week Committee!
You all did an amazing job in designing your own logos for Burnaby’s Youth Week Logo Contest!
 Take a look at our creative work!

City of Burnaby – Youth Week Logo Contest

Review contest details above

Hello class! We have been working away on our logo designs for the past month.


A reminder that we will be submitting our logos this week! 🎨🖼️

Please SHARE your designs as a CANVA SHARED LINK by Wednesday, March 3rd. 


  1. Login to https://www.canva.com/ with your school email account.
  2. Under the “Home” tab, click onto “All your designs”
  3. To select the logo design(s) you would like to share, click on the “…” icon
  4. Then select “Get sharable link” (the link is now copied)
  5. Email the link to: clarisse.yeh@burnabyschools.ca by Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 3pm.

Ms. Yeh

Valentine’s Day Art & Cards

Happy Valentine’s Day ♡

As a class, we decided to spread some love and cheer by making art and cards for the seniors in our Burnaby community.

Students worked with Ms. Tadd, our Community Coordinator and community partner, IAK (Intentional Acts of Kindness). 

Sumdog Math Contest: Feb 19-25

Hello Math Groups!


We will be entering into Sumdog’s math contest from February 19-25.
You will compete against other classes in our school!

Burnaby math contest Feb 19-25

How to participate:

  1. Play any math game or practice question from February 19-25.
  2. Try to get a high score by making sure you enter your answer correctly (double check your work)

How to win:

  • Have fun practicing and playing math games on Sumdog!

Prizes to win:

  • First Place Class: awarded Certificate of Achievement and coins
  • Participation Award: receive a special item for your Sumdog House
  • Answer 100 questions: win a special item for your Sumdog House


Ms. Yeh

Visual Prompts

Do images have an inner meaning?

Credit: “Class Act” by Jerry Craft


What do our actions and words say about our awareness for others?

How can we become a more accepting, respectful, and inclusive community?

On Black Shirt Day, we stood together to act on acceptance and to respect our forever-growing, diverse community. We took a look at this visual prompt and discussed about appropriate communication and what respect should be. We also shared stories of when we felt disrespected or felt powerless.

Here were some of the questions we reviewed in class:

  • What message do you think these panels from the book are trying to convey?
  • How do they relate to or comment on society or current events?
  • Can you relate to what’s depicted here personally?
  • What is your opinion of the message?

We will be writing a first-person (personal) paragraph response next class.


  • Think about your past and personal experiences
  • Think about your identity – what does your identity mean to you?
  • Think about the community around you (Maywood, Vancouver, BC, Canada, home country)


  • I will give you a brainstorming sheet
  • Write down the main idea in bullet-point form

Complete a paragraph response draft

See you all next week!

Ms. Yeh

Write for the Westcoast Reader! Submission opportunity

Write for the Westcoast Reader!

Submission opportunity – due by February 26, 2021

Read the submission details above

Hello class! I am excited to announce that we will be participating in a writing opportunity hosted by WCR.
For the next few weeks, we will be working on our stories.
We will submit our stories as a class by February 26th and to hopefully get selected for April, May, or June’s article.


First, we will brainstorm about our memorable events.

What is a story?

What components are included in a story?

Stories are important. Stories are shared with and passed down to our friends, peers, and families.

Stories are made up of significant events, experiences, places, and/or people.

In class today, we brainstormed a list of important experiences. 

  1. Please complete a list of 7 events/memories that were memorable to communicate the importance of a story.
  • (3) important school experiences that you participated in
  • (3) important valuable events or family experiences
  • (1) class experience you would like to share


Second, we will narrow down our ideas and choose ONE story to write about.

2.  We will be using a Power Paragraph writing tool to help us organizeSee the link below for the Power Paragraph writing tool document.

Download [31.24 KB]

FEB 18-24

Third, we will start a draft.

3. We will write a paragraph of 100-200 words. Please refer to your completed Power Paragraph sheet to complete a draft of your story.


Fourth, peer review and edits.

4. We will come together as a class and have a circle read aloud. We will help each other edit and complete a final draft.

MARCH 4-12

Fifth, submit your completed stories to me.

#FLW2021 #LetsBeActive Contest Submission

The Westcoast Reader: Family Literacy Week Contest 2021 

Maywood Community School Submission – January 29, 2021

My students have worked hard in their English-language learning, making the most of the pandemic, and are excited to participate in WCR’s Family Literacy Week 2021 Contest! 🙂 

Here are three of our literacy goals if we were to win the literacy contest:

1) To learn more about the world.

2) To enjoy reading more as a community.

3) To purchase new books.

As a community, we strive to be S.T.A.R. learners, “Safe, Thoughtful, Accepting, Respectful”
We submitted our photos today! Wish us luck.
A big thank you to the Westcoast Reader for hosting the contest and bringing spirit to our local communities!
Ms. Yeh

WCR Photo Reminder

Hello Maywood Families,

Please be sure to contact me by Wednesday, January 27, to confirm your child’s participation in the Westcoast Readers “Family Literacy Week” contest. Thank you.

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