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Chopped Challenge Rock

Posted by on November 30, 2023

Chopped Challenge Rock

Original Song

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Backing Track

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Lyrics & Actions

Dance  (guitar pose, 2 strum with music)

Let’s rock, everybody, let’s rock. (twist in spot with r foot, with arm sways)
Everybody in the whole kitchen block (point 2 arms to audience)
were dancing all around the clock (elvis clock dance with foot twist)

cooks making delicious meals, (stirring pot)
celebrity judges tasting. (eating gesture)
The pots and pans went crash, boom, bang, (fist stacking)
We are all the champions. (point thumbs to self and muscles)

Let’s rock, everybody, let’s rock.
Everybody in the whole kitchen block
were dancing all around the clock

cooks making delicious meals,
celebrity judges tasting.
The pots and pans went crash, boom, bang,
We are all the champions.

Let’s rock, everybody, let’s rock.
Everybody in the whole kitchen block
were dancing all around the clock

4 guitars up and down facing audience, not side.
4 Elvis twist dances, knees face Left and arms face right then do a double switch .

cooks making delicious meals,
celebrity judges tasting.
The pots and pans went crash, boom, bang,
We are all the champions.

Let’s rock, everybody, let’s rock.
Everybody in the whole kitchen block
were dancing all around the clock

ENDING while music fades
Bend to side, then karate kick, end pose with 3 fingers up in each arm and leaning forward.


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