Week 5: All About COVID-19 paragraph

Happy Monday class,

Thank you all for the food submissions you’ve given me. I’m overwhelmed with the amazing dishes you all created. My wife and I wanted to try the foods so bad, but we just trust that you all enjoyed making and eating it yourselves. For the winners, please expect a phone call and delivery today. If you haven’t heard back from me, check your emails and send me over your addresses and phone numbers.

Onto this week’s homework. We are taking a break from Charlotte’s Web for 1 week and we will focus on “YOUR QUESTIONS” about COVID-19. Please watch the video then write a paragraph about whatever you want COVID-19 related. Here are some questions you can help answer:

  • Why do we think schools are being closed and we are learning online?
  • Why must we continue to social distance if we haven’t left the house and the chances of us getting COVID-19 is slim?
  • How has COVID-19 affected my physical health?
  • How has COVID-19 affected my mental health?
  • How has COVID-19 affected my social life?
  • When do we think schools will reopen?
  • What have I learned so far during this pandemic?
  • How have I grown over this whole experience?

I look forward to reading your replies and I encourage you to answer each other’s paragraphs too. Have a wonderful week.

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17 Responses to Week 5: All About COVID-19 paragraph

  1. Logan Cheng says:

    The people closest the school because in school you almost never six feet away. Covid-19 can effect your mental health like this it can make you sad because people are dying from the covid-19 and it could make you angry as well. Covid-19 effects you social life by keeping you at home, having to wash your hands more then you ever do and it can cause people to bye from stores more then they ever do. I think the the schools will reopen next year when the covid-19 is gone or when ever the covid-19 is gone but even if we go back to school there will be different rules like there will be no reassess and lunch because when your outside kids can’t stay six feet away from each other. I have learned that how to worry a lot but my mom doesn’t like it because I don’t need to worry so much. I have grown over this experience pretty good because I stay home with my mom my brother and I still have school but at home.

    • wuj says:

      Hi Logan,

      It seems like you have been doing pretty good with the adjustment of school turning virtual. I too hope school gets reopened soon, even if this means it looking slightly different. During this time, I’ve learned how to be more patient, more considerate of everyone’s situation, but has also taught me a lot about what it means to be a good teacher and what really matters in learning. Yes, reading Charlotte’s Web is good for you, but does it really matter what happens in the story? Instead, I think about how my assignment makes you read 20 minutes every day. How my cooking classes forces you to read instructions carefully while following the recipes, and lastly, how giving you fitness classes everyday reminds me how important be fit really is. I too worry a lot about unnecessary things. I hope this whole thing ends soon and we get to go back to our class like normal. I miss that.

  2. Liam says:

    The schools are being closed because the students might get civic-19, WE are learning online because if schools are closed then what are we going to learn. We must continue to social distancing because we don’t know if we have covid-19 or who has. Covid-19 affected my physical health because I cannot play basketball with my dad. Covid-19 affected my mental health because you stay home and do nothing. Covid -19 affected my social life because I cannot go to my friends birthday. I think schools will reopen in September 2020. So far during this pandemic I learned that people go outside with covid-19 and they might spread the virus to others spending time with family.

  3. Eric P chinese says:

    The schools have been closed because the students might get the covid-19,WE🤒are learning online if the schools are closed then what are going to learn.We must be social distancing because we don’t know if we have covid-19 affected my mental health because I cannot go on subways, buses, seabus,Also these transit vehicles seats are closed because you go close to other people.People on transit there a little people because everyone needs to stay home. People can go outside ride bikes and take a walk but playgrounds are closed. Do not spread virus at other people.🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳China flag.

    • wuj says:

      I bet you do miss going on buses downtown and what not eh? I miss just being outside and playing hockey with my friends. However, I became a better cook and have been doing more exercise at home during my down time. I’ve also saved a lot of money too since I’m not spending as much. Stay safe right Eric!

  4. Samantha says:

    I really want to go back to school because it is so boring at home other than online dance classes. It feels like spring break straight to summer break ! Although i do get that if we were still at school we would have a higher chance of getting COVID 19. At least it is better for the turtles because there is no more pollution and turtles lay their eggs on the beach. People go to the beach and the turtles are scared of them but now because of self-isolation the turtles can go and lay there eggs! Anyway we should still wash our hands as much as possible and use hand sanitizer whenever you don’t have soap and water. While this pandemic is going around we have gotten use to this type of schooling. When we come back we will have to get use to it all over again. at least we will have more time to self reflect.

  5. Niko says:

    So far I don’t like the COVID-19 pandemic because I’m not going out that often. Normally I have way more physical activities, like recess, but now I go out like once a day. We just go on a hike with my dog. Well there is a trail close by, we go through the trail and it leads us to Harbour View Park. Well, I miss school because I miss talking to my teachers and friends. There are a lot more books at school than at home too. I also miss school because I’m less bored at school. I like being busy at school because I like Social Studies and Art. I have learned that COVID-19 is a serious threat. The disease can spread easily and people can get sick and then if they don’t know if they have it, then they can keep passing it on to other people. I think it will stop in the Fall. I feel sad about this because I’ll be home so often and long and I’ll be bored a lot. It is difficult sometimes because my mom and dad has work and I’m left alone with my brother. When I need something, my mom and dad are in meetings and they cannot always help me.

  6. Lauryn Chiu says:

    Schools are being closed and we are learning online because of this pandemic. This is very serious and if we go back to school the infection cases will be higher. We must continue to social distance because the virus is transferred by droplets from sneezing, Coughing and lots and lots of Talking. The government wants to keep the community safe. So far have learned about the pandemic that we all need to do our part and stay safe. Also listen to the guidelines from all the Doctors. I think that the schools will reopen when the infection rate is lower, and the government thinks it is safe to go back to school. COVID – 19 has affected my physical health because I cannot attend my activities and go to a park. COVID – 19 has affected my mental health because I always have anxiety and lots of worry. COVID – 19 is affecting my social life because I cannot go and see my friends and families. I sadly have not grown over this pandemic so far. I am stuck in the middle with my mind. I miss my friends so much!

  7. Samskruthi says:

    Schools are closed because there are many kids in schools. They all play in the playground. And the playgrounds have germs. Kids get those germs and spread it in their classrooms. A kid might get sick and that kid might spread it to another kid. We’re doing classes online beause we need to keep our learning continuous. We still have to do social distancing because 1 person has germs and the other does’nt. We have to do social distancing to stop germs from spreading. Make sure you sneeze into your elbow. I’m doing well, so are my parents. I don’t get to see my family-friends, go shopping with my family,and visit temples. I think school will reopen in september because the cases will be over. I’m learning how to cook, jump rope, and use the dictionary. I’m used to COVID 19, people are always talking about it.

  8. Anonymous says:

    My Questions are:
    1. why did COVID start in the first place?
    2.Why are some countries more affected than others?
    3.If the COVID 19 cases come down, is there a chance for it to come back after?

  9. Russell Chan says:

    COVID – 19 Questions.

    How has the COVID – 19 affected our physical health? Well it has affected our physical health because we have been stuck inside for about 62 days and a lot of people have not been active. Also people have been sitting on their couch watching TV and eating junk food. The COVID – 19 has also has affected our social life because we have to stay home and social distance from people and we can’t visit family or friends and we can’t go to school. However we can face time people and go on Zoom.

  10. Meyri says:

    1.Schools are closed because of COVID-19 and that is why we are doing school online.
    2.We must still continue to social distance because we still don’t know so much about COVID-19 so we must keep social distancing until we know if social distancing is something helpful.
    3.COVID-19 has affected my physical health by not letting me do activities outside which is every child(s) problem.
    4.COVID-19 has affected my mental health by always making me on electronics which is bad for my mental health and i know that the teachers don’t mean to do it but we still have to learn.
    5.COVID-19 has affected my social life by being separated from my friends and i don’t like it because we always have to talk on the electronics we have.
    6.I think that schools will open at September when all schools usually open and we might have a choice that we can go or we can continue doing it online.
    7.I have learned about Mental health,Physical health and mental health emotions and a lot of challenges.
    8.I have grown pretty much used to the pandemic and i guess it will stay like this for i a few months and i don’t like it much(i know everybody does to) because its like bieng trapped in your own house.

  11. Samskruthi says:

    Hi Mr.Wu.
    I was the one who wrote the 3 questions. I forgot to write my name.

  12. Lazar says:

    Hi Mr. Wu,

    Here are my thoughts on COVID19.

    These are my questions around Covid-19. Question number one are sea animals in danger. I was thinking if animals on land are in danger right now are sea animals in danger when people travel on boats. I was also thinking about a clear shirt like when you have the clear glass masks like what doctors wear. I am wondering why we are not allowed to watch sports because we do not need fans at the arena. It would be great to watch sports on tv while COVID is happening. How did the Covid–19 thing start? Did an animal start it or did a person? Some people say a person started it and other people say an animal started it. Why can’t we go to school because people can go to shops why can’t they go to school. For school why can’t they do this you go to the school pick up your work and your teachers are going to tell you what to do. For parks, why can’t people go to parks like why can’t they let us play in the park only if a parent is with them. Why do only old people get Covid-19? On the news you see a lot of old people and its weird to me that only old people get Covid. Is it true that people who were told to stay home is making things better or is it a rumour. Why can’t we go to people’s houses? You can go to people’s house’s only if you are wearing a mask and a gloves. This would be a way to safely visit people’s houses.

  13. TINA says:

    The government decided to close the school to stop the spread of the COVID-19.
    If the children go to school they would probably spread the virus to the teachers or the kids. The parks are being closed because the virus can live on metal for 3 days then the kids can spread to their parents. The social distancing and wearing a mask help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to one another. When people go for a walk or go shopping then they should be very careful to keep distance to make sure they don’t pass the virus to each other. People shouldn’t go to their family or grandparent’s house to make sure they stay safe, instead they should talk to them by phone. To stay safe we should wash our hands regularly and frequently.

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