Hello again,

Many thanks to all the families who emailed me.  It sure was nice to read all the messages.  Please continue to email me with your questions, thoughts and stories.  I read them all!

So, the children’s packages can be picked up on Tuesday, April 14th from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.  Mr. Gaster and Mrs. Ashton have put together the following important procedures to follow.

Protocol for Parents picking up and dropping off packages from Edmonds Community School:

  • You must be free of any illness symptoms before coming to Edmonds Community School
  • You must not come to Edmonds Community School if you are in a mandatory 14-day self- isolation period
  • If for any of the above reasons you are unable to come to the school please contact your child’s teacher and we will try to make other arrangements to get your child’s work to them
  • Families must only come to the school on the day and time that has been designated by their teacher for their child’s work pick-up and/or drop-off
  • People are to maintain their social distancing, 2m/6ft, from one another AT ALL TIMES
  • There will be a table at the front entrance of the school with their child’s division number clearly labelled on it. Please approach the table when it is safe to do so. If you need to wait due to another person already being at the table, please maintain your social distance until the table area is clear.
  • On the table there will be a bin labelled “Drop-off”, if you have work/books to drop-off please place these items in this bin.
  • If you are picking packages up these will be on the same table with your child’s name, division and teacher’s name clearly labelled on them. You can take your child’s package once you have located it.
  • Please do not touch any other students work package

On Tuesday, I will post again to give you some guidance with all the activities in your package.  In the meantime, curl up with a favourite stuffed animal, blanket, pillow, pet or person and read some books!  Maybe send me an email about the part you loved the most.

Miss you all 🙂