This week in Division 6 – October 15 edition

What a great week it has been with so many fun things! But I think we should just narrow it down to the three favorite highlights:

Our first favorite highlight was the design challenge, which we now do every week: we made stylish shoes out of paper. We were able to use other materials, for example, tape, glue, markers, etc. We learned a lot about teamwork in this project because we randomly picked groups, so we had no idea who we were working with. People worked together very well considering it was almost their first time doing it. We shared our projects in a circle of all the shoes. People used lots of different techniques to make the shoes stylish, for example wrapping the shoes with string/yarn. This project was fun.

Our second highlight would be the gym, especially for the kids who play soccer. We played four corner soccer, which, if you don’t know how to play is just like soccer but with four teams, the goals are benches flat on the corners, and you must hit the goal to score which means you can’t shoot too high. That is a bit of a problem for the people who shoot with power. This was fun even for the people who are new to soccer. I know that we all enjoy gym.

Our final highlight was probably the Writers’ Workshop because it is a very calming and peaceful time for people. We have very creative writers in this class. I love that everybody is so focused during this period.

Overall, this has been an amazing week for div 6!

by Zia Walji