The Book Fair is coming!

The Scholastic book fair is coming! Our class will get to visit the book fair to purchase books on Monday November 29. Because of Covid restrictions, we will not be able to have a preview of the books, or visit during recess. Lunchtime visits will be limited to 30 people at a time.  If you wish to purchase books on Monday, you can see what is available here. This link will only be active after Monday November 29. This year, you can also order books online, and have them delivered to your house (with no delivery fee). See the main Brentwood Park website for more information.

Happy shopping, and happy reading!

Happy Halloween from Div. 6!

Happy Halloween! I hope you had an awesome weekend! This week was absolutely BLAST. It was filled with super fun Halloween-y activities.

  One thing that I know everybody enjoyed was this Friday because it was Halloween at school! We went on a pumpkin walk and saw lots of cool pumpkins- congratulations to Yoo Joon who was a winner in Div. 6! Your pumpkin was awesome because we could see the details in your Canucks logo. In the afternoon, we watched a fun movie called Hotel Transylvania and everybody ate lots of candy. We also had music with Ms. Harris. We learned a pattern called Witches Wizards; we would do a pattern to a song that would get faster and faster and faster and then it would stop. We loved the song! In the gym we played basketball and some dodgeball. These were some fun activities! (We are sure to have more fun) HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

We have also been trying to “SCARE HUNGER” by collecting food for the Food Bank. Our box is OVERFLOWING with donations that will go to families in need. Brentwood Park is one of the few schools that collect food all year round for the Food Bank. Thank you for your generosity Division 6!

By Zia and Ms. Willis