Tuesday, April 26th, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with students observing and drawing the class plants in their journals. Then, we went over new spelling words. They are on the blog and the next Spelling Test is next Thursday, May 5th. After, we talked more about 2D…

Friday, April 22nd, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with some kids using the microscope. Then, I assigned new Daily 5 reading pages and conferenced with the Red Group by asking them questions about their reading. Yellow Group: Chapter 10 of Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing (finish…

Thursday, April 21st, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with students drawing in their plant observation journals and measuring the class plants. Then, we did our spelling test (which I will be posting on Fresh Grade shortly). After, we talked a bit more about prisms and 3D shapes…

Wednesday, April 20th, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with students doing a few long division questions and then students started their next Daily 5 reading selection. RED Group: Read pages 130-159 Orange Group: Work on pages 3 & 4 of the booklet: The Meal One and the…

Tuesday, April 19th, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with students drawing their observations and measuring our class plants. They thrived over the long weekend, which is awesome! Then, students showed me their reading logs and I added 1 point for all 5 weekdays read and an extra…

Thursday, April 14th, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off the day with reading (with the option of partner reading) and then students did their Health Quiz. These are marked and I will likely post them on Fresh Grade later tonight. Then, students went to Music and had recess….

Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with students drawing the class plants in their Observation Journal. Then, students did independent reading at their desks. After, students were assigned new Daily 5 reading pages. Yellow group: Chapter 8 Red Group: Chapter 25-page 129 Orange Group: Complete…

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with students reading and I checked their reading logs to see if they had read for 30 minutes yesterday. Students should keep their reading log in their planner pocket to bring between home and school everyday. Reminder that students…

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with collecting weekend journals, drawing our class plants and recording observations about their growth, and then students were assigned pages to read from their Daily 5 books. They are to read this selection independently today, before tomorrow as they…

Friday, April 8th, 2022

Dear Parents, Today, we started off with students doing a few questions of long division which we later took up on the board as well as partner reading. Then, we talked about what would be on the Math Test on Tuesday and students wrote these…

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