Friday, April 22nd, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with some kids using the microscope. Then, I assigned new Daily 5 reading pages and conferenced with the Red Group by asking them questions about their reading.

Yellow Group: Chapter 10 of Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing (finish the book)

Orange Group: Quiz Time for Chapters 3 & 4, not Questions 1 or 10

Red Group: pages 160-181 of Holes

This is due on Tuesday if students did not finish in class today.

Then, we talked about how to guess which 3D shape is made out of a selection of different 2D shapes. For example, if given 6 congruent squares, this would make a cube if put altogether. Homework is: Unit 6 Lesson 2: #1-4 and is homework if not finished.

After snack and recess, students wrote their Weekend Journal Outline.

The prompt this time is: If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring 3 things, what would they be and why? Students should aim for between 1.5-2 pages of writing. This is due on Tuesday because Monday is no school for students. Then, we went to buddies and students had free pod play time with their buddies.

After lunch, we went over punctuation for quotations again and did practice on this on a worksheet, students checked the tense and perspective of their stories, punctuation, and dialogue as well.

Then, students had community time.

Have a great weekend! Students are reminded to read for 30 minutes today and on Monday (and on the weekend if they want) and to record their reading in their reading log. Students will show me their reading log on Tuesday!

Have a great weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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