Tuesday, April 19th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with students drawing their observations and measuring our class plants. They thrived over the long weekend, which is awesome! Then, students showed me their reading logs and I added 1 point for all 5 weekdays read and an extra point for if students read 30 minutes on Saturday and Sunday. We reached 22 points today and need 50 to get a movie class.

Then, students did a few questions of long division and we took them up on the board. After, we started talking about 3D shapes, naming various ones and talking about faces, edges, and vertices. We used a couple of Interactive Websites to explore these 3D shapes. We talked about how they have 3 dimensions – length, width, and height which make them different from 2D shapes which only have length and width and are flat.

After, we had snack and did the Wordle (we lost today). I also did a desk check.

Following recess, we did a few dance videos. Students had a good mindset and put in a lot of effort, which was awesome.

Then, we talked about challenges of being an explorer including scurvy and some parts of explorer ships. Students filled in what they thought some of the challenges of being an explorer would be on one of the pages of the booklet.

After lunch, students worked on their latchhook rugs and then unfortunately, the students took too long to clean-up and lost their DPA today and tomorrow. Finally, students went to Music.

Reminders: Read for 30 minutes. Spelling Test is on Thursday.

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