Dear StrongStart Families,

Here we are at the end of the 2019/2020 school year.  This school year was very unusual to say the least and challenging for us all. I hope this post finds you healthy and well as we say goodbye for the summer, although I wish I could have said goodbye to all my dear Strongstart friends in person.

I am proud of our StrongStart graduates who will start Kindergarten in the Fall of 2020. It has been my privilege to be another person in your corner all these years, watching your children grow and learn.  Best wishes for success in school, I know your children will have a great year in Kindergarten; meet many new, and keep old friends; learn and have fun together.

Rest assured, our school will do the utmost to help your child transition into school and meet all their needs. I know your children can’t wait to go to school. I know some of you might worry or ask: “Is my child ready for Kindergarten?” – they are, and our wonderful Kindergarten teachers and other supportive staff are ready for them!

Thank you to all of you, the parents, caregivers and grandparents for being part of our StrongStart family. Thank you for your trust and partnership in teaching your children together. Together we have built such a welcoming and supportive community and I am grateful for that. I value our connection and relationship as much as I appreciate my relationship with your children. Enjoy watching them grow and change over the summer.

As you all know, our school district is tirelessly working to support our children and community. Please stay connected with the Burnaby School website for updates about StrongStart:

​During the summer OUR StrongStart blog will not be updated, but you can still check out posts you may have missed. My last post before the summer was a video of me singing Alphabet March and A-Hunting We will Go.

Hopefully the weather will warm up so we all get to spend a lot of time outside, still keeping the safe distance, exploring nature. I know I will, with my family, appreciating what our wonderful city has to offer.

Happy Father’s Day to all of you wonderful fathers and grandfathers, you are tremendously important people in your children’s lives and your love and care for them makes a world of difference!

Stay safe, be kind to one another and your community and have fun!

Much love to all,

Ms. Lillian