Dear StrongStart friends,

Singing and rhyming are so much fun! For those of you who want to know what children are learning : when we enjoy singing and rhyming with our children we are also helping them hear smaller word sounds (phonological awareness). Singing silly songs, reading nursery rhymes, chanting, telling jokes and riddles, they all help children hear and be aware of how the language we are listening to is made up of words and words are made up of smaller sounds. This will help them on their road to getting ready to read.

Join me in marching and singing The Alphabet March  (adapted from Higglety Pigglety: A Book of Rhymes published by Houghton Mifflin Company and singing our well-loved A Hunting We will Go rhyming song.

CLICK HERE for a video.

Happy singing and rhyming!

Ms. Lillian