Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

Month: October 2021

Community Support from Information Children

Hi StrongStart families,

I am excited to share with you information about a couple of our programs from our community partner – Information Children. They used to come regularly to our StrongStart  to answer questions – big or small and support parents.

Parent Coaching with Sally or Rahani.  Please click on this link to learn more about it: Information Children Parent Coaching (1)They have made it even easier for families to book a parent coaching session  You can now use their scheduling page to choose a time that works for them to meet over Zoom or on the phone.  This is the link to the scheduling page. The free Parent Coaching Program is open to parents and caregivers of children aged 0-12 years old. Coaching sessions can last up to 30 minutes.

Currently, availability is listed until the end of October, but this page will be updated monthly with more slots.

Online Storytime – Informatin Children is continuing to offer Online Storytime 2x a week, every Tuesday & Thursday (except on STAT holidays) from 5:30-6pm for kiddos 2-5 years old. The fabulous storyteller, Bharti reads a wide variety of books, sings songs, tells felt & puppet stories and does simple art activities with the children. This is the registration link, or you click to see more on the poster: Information_Children_Storytime_October (1)

Later on this fall, they will also be offering a Parenting the Middle Years 6-session series for families with children 8-12 years, and will also be continuing with their parent coaching and storytime programs. Information Children  website and social media accounts are also kept updated with the programs that they offer.

It Starts Early, It Starts With Us

Dear StrongStart families,

Here is important info from our knowledgeable and lovely community partner Anita Olson.

  • Purpose Society is offering a free 4 week program to help build community and connections through anti-racism using arts, crafts and culture! Program starts Oct 20th at 10-1130 AM in the New Westminster Welcome Centre (Burnaby families are welcome to join!), child minding available – if you are interested in the Building Community & Connections program please register by calling Elizabeth @ 778-727-0786 or email Elizabeth.cottam@purposesociety.org
  • All kids need a strong identity as well as a sense of group belonging, but racism hurts the healthy development of both. Encourage your child to “Breathe, Feel, Share” when something stressful related to race happens. Take some deep belly breaths, feel the emotions and think of words to describe them, and share the experience with a trusted adult (source: Sesame Street). Learn more at @ www.feelingsfirst.ca
  • Children learn from their parents, caregivers, community and elders. They will copy and follow adults’ actions, including how to interact with others. Caregivers and parents are very influential as they help kids understand this complicated, flawed and often unfair world. Your words and actions matter. Here are some ideas on how to talk about race, racism and anti-racism with preschoolers. Learn more @ www.feelingsfirst.ca.
  • Visit your public library, borrow and read books about different people and cultures like this book by Todd Parr: “It’s Okay to Be Different”, published by Little Brown Book for Young Readers. (This is my little add-on).

What you can do to discuss racial equality with young children:

  • Don’t be afraid to talk about differences. “Did you know that people are born with different skin colours?”
  • Share how biases make you feel and why. “It makes me sad that rules allow certain groups of people to be treated differently.”
  • Frame things as fair and unfair. “This book included white inventors. That’s unfair because _______ invented things too.”
  • Distinguish between different and weird. “Just because something is different, doesn’t mean it’s weird. Differences should be celebrated!”
  • Respect and encourage your child’s curiosity. “That is a good question…I don’t know the answer, but let’s learn together.”

Meet me in the Park! Free one-on-one consultations at your favorite Burnaby Park with me, Anita. Ask your questions, concerns and curiosity about your 0-5 year old child’s development, behaviour, child – caregiver relationship, effective strategies, and parenting information. Call/text or email Anita 604-723-9548 or email aolson@fsgv.ca to set up an appointment. Virtual appointments are also available! 

Anita OlsonEarly Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC) – supporting parents/caregivers with children ages 0-5 years old.

Take care of yourself and each other,

Ms. Lillian