Magnet Play

Students have been learning about magnets with our student teacher, Ms. Sue.  Today we had free time to explore around the classroom with our magnet wands and horseshoe magnets.

Students had time to find things that do – and those that don’t – attact to magnets.  They discovered that not all metals will attract to magnets but many metals do – even the bits inside pipe cleaners!

It was a lot of fun watching the children in ‘scientific mode’.  The discoveries and experimentation was inspiring.

Ask your child what they have learned about magnets.

Apple Explorations

We have been learning about apples.  Today we heard a story of how apples got the ‘star’ in their centres.  Ask your child to tell you the story.

We then looked at a variety (seven) different apples.  These were: Honey Crisp, Granny Smith, Ambrosia, Royal Gala, Fuji, MacIntosh, and Spartan.  We talked about their similarities and their differences – colour, shape, size, texture of the fruit and its skin.

We furthered our exploration by cutting open the Ambrosia apple (sideways) and finding the star.  We talked about the core and its storage of seeds.  We have also been discussing the concept of core (its meaning as a root source) during our Math unit on patterning.

I then cut each of the seven apples into pieces which the students enjoyed sampling.  As I cut each one we discussed the different textures and firmness of the apples and predicted the sweetness – or tartness – of each of them.

I think the students had a good time – and, hopefully, discovered some new favourite apple flavours while learning about the apples.


Cinemazoo Animals!

We had a very enjoyable morning today with our visit from Cinemazoo.  Students had the great opportunity to see many insects, reptiles, and mammals.  Here are some of the highlights:


Each of the classes got to have one student wear the ‘snake scarf’ – a boa constrictor.


Mrs. Wall decided to add some decoration to her plain, white t-shirt!!


A tortoise was just hanging around . . .


and then she decided to take a walk!!

There were a variety of snakes, and then the ‘furry’ friends came out.  We saw a very cute rabbit, a very active and friendly ferret, and a sugar glider.

I think this was a great opportunity for the students to get a chance to see so many interesting and exotic animals.

We Released the Butterflies!!


Students were very excited when they heard that we were releasing the butterflies this morning!!  Shortly before Recess we went out to our little garden and put our container onto the bench.  All students (who wanted to) got a chance to have a butterfly on their finger.

Most of our larvae had developed into chrysalids and most of those became butterflies.  Students put the butterflies onto plants in the garden.


When we had released all the adult butterflies it was time for Recess.  We placed the container back in the classroom.  We have a few chrysalids which have not changed yet.  We are going to give them a few days to see if they will.

Many of the butterflies remained on the flowers in the garden for a while. A few of the students reported seeing other ones flying away to new locations.

There were some that didn’t make it and remained dead on the bottom of the container.  We discussed the Circle of Life and why the adult butterfly lays over 100 eggs at a time – not all eggs become caterpillars, not all caterpillars develop chrysalids, not all chrysalids survive to adult butterfly status.

All in all, raising these butterflies has been a great learning experience for the students.  I hope they have all enjoyed it.



The Butterflies Have Arrived!!

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Students were very pleased to arrive in class on Monday morning to see that some of the butterflies had emerged from their chrysalids!!  These ones are enjoying some sugar water that is in the sponge and the lid below.  Students have been watching the butterflies’ long tongues (proboscis) which they use to drink liquids.

Some of the butterflies have, unfortunately, not had a successful transition into adult-hood.  As in all of nature, life is often a struggle.  We will likely release some of the early emergers in the next day or so.  There are still some which have not left their chrysalids.  We will wait a while longer to see if they will be viable.

Caterpillar Larvae Arrive


Our caterpillar larvae arrived on Wednesday, May 22nd.  The students have been avidly watching their growth this past week.  We have noticed a rapid change in their size.  The caterpillars should soon attach themselves to their cup lids and form their chrysalises.  When they have done this we will remove the lids and attach these lids into our butterfly container.

I will keep you updated on their progress.

Penguin Wrap Up

Students have (mostly) completed their partnership research.  Today those who were completely finished presented these reports orally to the class.  I was quite impressed with the good job done by the students.  I am hoping that the few who are left will complete these tomorrow and be able to present them to the class by Friday.

Along with the research, students completed several other penguin activities – including these ones on the bulletin board.

Our unit will be all wrapped up by Friday and we will be beginning a new theme after Spring Break.



Class Penguin Research Centre

We have been busily learning about this resourceful and fun bird!

Students have been working (in their partnerships) on researching their chosen bird.  Thank you for helping your child with some extra computer work at home.  The partners are currently adding the final touches to their note-taking papers in preparation for completing their final research booklets and posters.  They will then be orally presenting their work to the class.

We are also really enjoying the adventures of Mr. Popper’s Penguins through our read aloud of this book.


Penguin Research

We began our enquiry into penguins by creating a ‘KNOW’ (or THINK we know) chart and a ‘WONDER’ (what we want to know) chart.  Please note that ALL ideas are recorded at this point and will be proven – or disproven – by the end of our unit.

We followed up with a visit to the Library to explore the penguin entries in the on-line World Book database via the laptops.  Students have now been put into partnerships and they have chosen the penguin that they want to research in-depth.

Beginning this week the student-partnerships will spend 45 minutes each Tuesday on the laptops doing research on their chosen penguin.  We also have an extensive collection of fact-based books in the classroom and the library.  Students will collect information on their data sheets and then formulate this information into a report format.  These reports will be orally presented to the class at the end of the unit.

Early last week I sent home a letter about the World Book on-line resource, along with how to access the penguin websites which I have attached to my Delicious account – a link on this blogsite.  Feel free to explore the on-line sites at home with your child.  They should be able to tell you the name of their specific penguin – although, these were just chosen at the end of the day on Friday so they may not be totally clear on how to pronounce their penguin’s name yet:)