
We have been informed that our school license for this mathematics programme has been extended through the summer months!

This is a great opportunity for your child to keep up with, and improve, their math skills.  Students may sign in via the Rosser website.  They all know how to do this as we use our computer lab each Tuesday morning.

Please encourage your child to complete each lesson that they go into on their own. They shouldn’t leave lessons undone.  If they get too much help they will be promoted through to levels which will become too challenging for them.  You are welcomed to help them with instruction – but please do not ‘pass’ the levels for them.

Most of the Rosser teachers have applied for licensing for this programme for next year.  It is being used as a supplement to our classroom math programmes – it does not replace our direct teaching lessons.

It is recommended that students spend a minimum of 60 minutes per week on DreamBox.  I am able to track their progress through the teacher ‘dashboard’ which I plan to do over the summer, as well.  It is very easy for me to see who is on-line using this, and who is not.  There may be acknowledgements in September for those using it …

100’s Day



Today was the 100th day of school this year.  Students were very excited when we added the 100th straw to our Place Value pocket, and changed our running ‘days in school’ total, during Calendar.

Students brought in collections of 100 items.  They also brought in food items (100 each) to add to our 100’s Day Hash.  We will be eating this hash tomorrow (101st Day) with a special movie that we will be watching with the Kindergarten class in the afternoon.  They will tell you about it tomorrow after school.

Some of the activities that we did today were: making necklaces with 10 groups of 10 different coloured Fruit Loops; and making crowns with tally marks (20 groups of 5). These crowns were attached to head bands on which they put 20 stickers (hopefully in a pattern) and wrote the numbers 5 to 100, counting by 5’s. We also began to work in a booklet with ‘hundreds’ of math questions in it.  We will continue working on these tomorrow.



It was a hectic day – one of many this month!!  There is never a dull moment in grade 1 …

Pattern Play

We have been exploring different patterns during our Math sessions this past two weeks.  [We also ‘do’ patterns every day during our Calendar time with both the daily picture pattern and the weather graph.]

Today students had fun creating their own patterns using some of our math materials in the classroom.  Check them out …








Marshmallow Structures


As a follow up to our Math unit on 2-D and 3-D geometry the students put their knowledge of edges, vertices, and faces together to create these lovely 3-D framed shapes.

It was a lot of fun for the students and it really reinforced their learning of this unit.

A huge thank you goes out to Ms. Sue for planning and getting this together for the children.


Pattern Fun Time!


We have been developing our understanding of patterns over the past few weeks.  Students have learned what a ‘core’ is and how it repeats to create the pattern.  They have learned about the different attributes (colour, shape, direction) that make up the terms of a pattern.  Students have worked on showing the same pattern in different ways.  They have also learned how to find a mistake in a pattern and to fix it.

They have definitely had a lot of fun creating their own patterns – as you can see!!