Sports Day

Friday, May 18th is Sports Day.  Here is some information about the day:

1.  Students may bring their bikes to ride in the Bike Parade.  The bikes will be held in the Music room before and after the parade.  Students may decorate their bikes in the colours of their house.  I will be making available some crepe paper in the house colours for those students in my class who want to decorate their bikes.  Note:  if your child brings his/her bike they must also wear a bike helmet.

2.  Students are asked to dress in their House colour.  Each student knows which house they are in.

3.  Students will be getting a frozen treat from the PAC at Recess.

4.  There will be pizza (and maybe some other food items) available for purchase at the end of Sports Day.  A blue paper went home on Friday which you should return back to school with your interest in purchasing pizza so we know how much to order.

We have been recently enjoying some nice weather.  Hopefully it will continue for our special day.

I hope to see many of you at our Sports Day to enjoy it with your children.

Report Cards

Term Two report cards have been completed (as per the LRB ruling) and will be sent home with students tomorrow.  You should have received a letter from Burnaby District’s Superintendent, about these reports, which was sent home last week.

When reading your child’s report please refer to the bag of Term Two work, which was sent home last week, and this blog for more detailed information on the activities in our classroom.

If you have any questions you may request an interview to discuss your child and his/her progress.

Our 3 Minutes of Fame on TV

If you didn’t get a chance to watch Breakfast TV yesterday morning to see our students ‘in action’ here is the link:

You need to highlight it and copy it onto your search engine (Google) in order to watch it.  I think that they did a very good (although short) job of showing some of our wonderful (performing) Fine Arts programme.


Fun with Centres

Students have been working very hard this term on their academic subjects so I wanted to share some of the fun activities that they have been enjoying during their play-based times.  As I am sure you are aware, a great deal of important learning occurs when children interact with each other in socially co-operative ways.  Check out a few of our ‘centres’:

Cars racing around a well designed track,

some little friends dropped by to play,

and there was a verrrrry interesting dinosaur book!

Breakfast TV Date & Time

You should have received a pink half-sized notice today telling you of the date and time of the airing of our segment on Breakfast TV.  In case it went missing, the date is Monday, April 9th – approximately at 8:45 a.m.  Luckily Monday is a school holiday and we are home to see it.  I have already set my PVR!  I hope you get a chance to see it.

Tennis, Anyone?

This is a reminder that our tennis lessons are next week (Monday – Thursday).  This is a programme that our students have enjoyed for several years.  It is also quite a bargain to have professional tennis instruction at a low cost.  Please complete and return the signed permission slip with your cheques by Monday.

Breakfast Television Visit

We have a confirmed time for the assembly tomorrow.  It will be right after Recess (approximately 10:50 a.m.).  Students will be called to the gym for the presentation of the cheque and then to do their performance.  Parents are very welcome to come to see this exciting opportunity that our students have to perform for a television station.  We all look forward to seeing the final clip that they produce and air on their television show.  We will let you know when that date will be so we can all set our TV’s to ‘record’.