Our JUMP Rope for Heart Event

On Friday, January 11th we had a ‘Kick-Off’ assembly with a representative from the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  Our ‘Heart Hero’ (Derek) made an appearance as well.

At the assembly, students learned how to keep their hearts healthy.

This past Friday (January 18th) we held our JUMP event.  We created a Heart Wall with the red paper hearts – where students had recorded their ideas about keeping healthy – that had been sent home with their pledge forms.  In the afternoon, classes each had a 40 minute block where they met their buddy class in the gym and had a lot of fun jumping rope.   We were very lucky that this year we didn’t have rain!  This meant that we got to enjoy jumping outside of the gym on the basketball court.  Students enjoyed skipping on their own – and with the long ropes, as well.


If you haven’t already done so, please return your completed pledge forms – or register your collected fundraising on-line by Wednesday, January 23rd.  Thank you for your support of this very worthy charity.

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