Celebrating Terry Fox …

This is an article from the newspaper on the occasion of the 25th anniversary run – 12 years ago.  Below is a photo of a map of Canada with the route that Terry ran highlighted in Sharpie marker.

As a class we discussed who Terry was, what happened in his life, and what he did to seal his place in our hearts forever.  We used these books as a starting off place.

We were fortunate to have Kirsten Fox (Terry’s niece via his older brother, Fred) come to our school the previous week to discuss Terry, how the family remembers him, and how he affected their lives.  In class we talked about the people in our school and families that we know who have dealt with, or are still dealing with, cancer.  Students each decorated a paper shoe which stated who they were running for; these are on the wall in the gym.

Students also decorated a paper t-shirt and wrote about Terry.  These two papers were attached, back to back, onto a green construction paper.  These are hanging in our classroom.

As a school we were very pleased to raise a good amount of money.  I don’t know the exact total but I believe that it is more than $700!!  That is amazing for our small school!  Thank you to all who contributed to this fund.

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