Plant Experiment #8 – Forget-Me-Nots

Over the course of this school year we have been discussing WANTS and NEEDS in relation to ourselves. We discussed that while you may WANT something that there are actually a few basic NEEDS that are necessary for survival.  For human beings these are: air, water, food, shelter (including clothing), and we added in ‘love’ (families).

Students have also been learning about what a plant NEEDS to survive.  In this experiment we wondered if all of the seeds that a plant produces will grow successfully into a new plant.

After we had set our baggies of bean seeds on the windows we also planted some flower seeds in soil.  We looked at how each plant’s seeds look different from each other.  We have looked at the seeds from: lima beans, green beans, peas, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Zinnias, grass, and Forget-Me-Nots.  We noticed that all of the seeds have different shapes, sizes, and colours.

The seeds from the Forget-Me-Not flower are shaped long and thin; they are also very tiny.  Students had a difficult time picking them up off the paper towel!  They were very different from the size and shape of the peas or beans.

Each student placed several Forget-Me-Not seeds in their flower pot.  All students’ pots have successfully grown some of these plants; some pots have more seeds growing in them than others.




Students will be bringing their flower pots home on Thursday.  Please ensure that they keep them watered.  They are planted in biodegradable flower pots that you can plant into a larger pot (in soil) or directly into the ground in your garden.  They should develop with a beautiful blue flower when they are fully mature.  Enjoy!!



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