Learning Colour Schemes


We have spent a few weeks learning about some of the different colour schemes.  The ones we worked with were:

  1. monochromatic (their original colour, plus the three ‘values’ of white, black, and grey)
  2. complementary (their original colour with its opposite, plus the three ‘values’)
  3. triadic (their original colour and the other two in their group – i.e. if they began with a primary colour then they used the three primary colours; if they began with a secondary colour then they used those three colours)
  4. analogous (their original colour and the other secondary and intermediate colours between their colour and the next colour that includes part of their complementary colour).  This last one was a bit tricky to figure out without the crayon colour wheel that we used as a reference.


For this project students began with a large piece of white paper on which they drew a picture of their choice.  They needed to then trace their pencil lines with a fat marker in one of the ‘rainbow’ colours.  This colour choice became their ‘original’ colour for all the other sections.

I then cut these papers into four segments.  Each of these segments was completed in one of the above mentioned colour schemes.  When finished I taped each students’ four pieces together and mounted them onto a black background paper.

These are now hanging in the hallway outside of our classroom door on the two bulletin boards.  Please check them out next time you are in the school.  They look fabulous.


