Our Read Aloud Novel


On Monday we began our daily read aloud: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, by J.K. Rowling.  We will read a few pages each day after Planners are done.  Reading a chapter book is a great way to encourage active listening and the expansion of the children’s vocabulary through her very descriptive and rich writing.  It is a great introduction to hearing stories that are longer and more involved.  Novels provide the opportunity to learn delayed gratification (i.e. not having the whole story over in 15 minutes) as well as teaching reflection, prediction, and anticipation.  I have a recently released special hardcover edition of the novel which has been illustrated throughout.

When we have completed the novel we will take the opportunity to watch the movie. Through this we will compare the book and the movie through their similarities and differences.  Appreciating that most of the movies that we watch originally came from the written books is also a valuable lesson – and hopefully will inspire their love of literature.