Gingerbread House building

Notices went home last week about our Gingerbread House building which is scheduled for Thursday, December 17th in the afternoon. Please send in the items on the list by Tuesday, December 15th so that I can ensure that everything is ready for the 17th.  Here is a photo of the size of milk container that is needed as the base of their houses:


The children also need a hard cardboard base, covered with tin foil.  I have purchased the Graham wafers and mini cones, and will make the green icing for the ‘cone trees’.

This is a very fun activity that the students all love to do.  Please ensure that your child has a fun day by sending in the needed items.

Thank you for your continuing support.


Christmas is coming …

We have been busily getting ready for the Christmas concert.  In between our regular academic subjects we have been using our ‘theme’ time to enjoy our fairy tale unit, and also to have some fun with Christmas crafts.  I won’t tell you the main one – as it is the children’s Christmas present to their families – but we have also spent some time making our class Christmas tree with some very special unique ornaments which, I hope, will become longtime family keepsakes.  You will see them at the Christmas concert.  We have also made some other fun ornaments for your Christmas trees.


Student also had fun last week making paper chains for decorating the gym for the concert.


We look forward to seeing you all at the concert on Wednesday, December 16th.  The children have been working very hard.  I am sure the show will be very nice.