Upcoming Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

On Tuesday, October 6th, our class (along with Division 6 – Kindergarten) will be going to the Laity Pumpkin Farm.  A notice about this went home today.  Please consider driving for this trip as we will need to cancel if we don’t get enough parent drivers.  It is a fun trip for everyone.  We get to enjoy the petting zoo, a tractor ride, wander through the forest displays, and explore the corn maze.  Students also get to choose a pumpkin (one the size that they can carry on their own).  This pumpkin will be sent home with students for their own personal use.

We go on this trip rain or shine so please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather.  They also need to bring two grocery bags (to carry their pumpkin) and their car seats for the drive there with parent volunteers.

Corn Roast and Terry Fox Run

Last Friday, September 18th, students had the great experience of ‘shucking’ an ear of corn.  We all went out to the undercover area and peeled back the outer leaves, and removed the strands of silk, from our corn.  These were then put in a container to be later boiled by our parent volunteers.


In the afternoon we honoured Terry Fox through an assembly and by running our Fun Fitness route.  We were lucky that the rain was light. Terry ran far longer each day and it was often in much worse weather conditions than we had on Friday!

After the run we all enjoyed eating our corn!!!
