Spring Break / Ms. Sue

Tomorrow is our last day of school before our two week Spring Break.  I hope you all enjoy a lovely break!

Ms. Sue will be with our class for the first week back after the holidays.  This is her ‘phase-out’ week as the wrap up to her practicum experience with us at Rosser.  Her last day with us will be Friday, April 4th.  The students and I have all really enjoyed our time with her.  She will be missed.

Be safe over the holiday and we will see you on Monday, March 31st.

Marshmallow Structures


As a follow up to our Math unit on 2-D and 3-D geometry the students put their knowledge of edges, vertices, and faces together to create these lovely 3-D framed shapes.

It was a lot of fun for the students and it really reinforced their learning of this unit.

A huge thank you goes out to Ms. Sue for planning and getting this together for the children.