Nearing the end of the year . . .

We have one full day left (tomorrow) and then a short hour on Thursday morning.  Tomorrow between Recess and Lunchtime is the Grade 7 school leaving ceremony.  Our class will then be walking to the fire hall for our tour right after lunchtime.  Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather!

Students brought home most of their term work, their school supplies, and their math geometric shape mobiles today.  Tomorrow they will bring home their Art Portfolios which have the majority of this year’s artwork.

On Thursday morning we are having an assembly from 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.  Mrs. Iverson and Mr. Phelps have collected photos from the different classroom teachers and will be showing a power point presentation of our year-long educational journey.  Please feel free to drop by and watch it with us.

At 10:00 a.m. students will be dismissed with their report cards.  I hope you all have a wonderful, happy, and safe summer!


Cinemazoo Animals!

We had a very enjoyable morning today with our visit from Cinemazoo.  Students had the great opportunity to see many insects, reptiles, and mammals.  Here are some of the highlights:


Each of the classes got to have one student wear the ‘snake scarf’ – a boa constrictor.


Mrs. Wall decided to add some decoration to her plain, white t-shirt!!


A tortoise was just hanging around . . .


and then she decided to take a walk!!

There were a variety of snakes, and then the ‘furry’ friends came out.  We saw a very cute rabbit, a very active and friendly ferret, and a sugar glider.

I think this was a great opportunity for the students to get a chance to see so many interesting and exotic animals.