Welcome back!

I hope you all had a great Spring Break!!  From the stories I have heard from the children it sounds like everyone enjoyed the time off.  As of last night, the Burnaby School Board has approved a 2 week Spring Break for our District for next year!!  We will now have the time that most of the other districts around the province have been enjoying these past few years.

Beginning next week there will be a few changes in our classroom.  We will be having a new student arrive – probably on Tuesday.  The students are all very excited about this new addition to our class.

We will also be having a slight change in our daily schedule.  Mrs. Cobo will still be teaching in our room on Tuesdays between Recess and Lunchtime.  On the other days in the week, Mrs. Gojevic will be teaching in the class at this same time.  This will allow Mrs. Cobo to have more of her Resource time available for our (several) new Level 1 ESL students who have arrived in the last month.  Mrs. Gojevic will be doing Calendar and teaching Math with the class.  As you all know, this time block is when I am out of the room teaching the Reading Recovery programme to individual students.