Valentine’s Day

In addition to our full and busy 100’s Day today, we had time to deliver Valentines to our friends – and some teachers, too!  These were all sent home today for students to enjoy opening up as we had no time to do so during our busy day.

Thank you to all who sent in snacks for today.  Some were eaten today, but with an afternoon that included – a 45 minute badminton lesson, 45 minutes with Mr. Phelps in Music, and the last half hour with Mrs. Levington in the library – we didn’t have a lot of eating time.  These have been kept in the class to finish up tomorrow and then any containers will be sent home.


100’s Day Celebrations

We had a great day today!!  Wow, were we ever busy!  We have spent the last two days getting ready for our celebrations.  Thank you for helping your child get their 100 collection posters finished last weekend.  They look fantastic!!

In class students made crowns with 100 items drawn on them – in ten groups of tens – which we attached to headbands that had 20 stickers arranged in a pattern and labelled with the numbers counting from 5 – 100 by 5’s.  Today students made Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 cereal pieces – 10 groups each of 10 pieces in different colours.  Most students made lovely patterns.  Colton challenged himself and did his whole necklace in two colours counting by twos!

Thank you to all who sent in a collection of 100 small food items.  Some of the grade twos divided these into individual containers which were enjoyed at Recess time.

All in all, I believe that it was a successful 100th day of school.