Penguin Research

We began our enquiry into penguins by creating a ‘KNOW’ (or THINK we know) chart and a ‘WONDER’ (what we want to know) chart.  Please note that ALL ideas are recorded at this point and will be proven – or disproven – by the end of our unit.

We followed up with a visit to the Library to explore the penguin entries in the on-line World Book database via the laptops.  Students have now been put into partnerships and they have chosen the penguin that they want to research in-depth.

Beginning this week the student-partnerships will spend 45 minutes each Tuesday on the laptops doing research on their chosen penguin.  We also have an extensive collection of fact-based books in the classroom and the library.  Students will collect information on their data sheets and then formulate this information into a report format.  These reports will be orally presented to the class at the end of the unit.

Early last week I sent home a letter about the World Book on-line resource, along with how to access the penguin websites which I have attached to my Delicious account – a link on this blogsite.  Feel free to explore the on-line sites at home with your child.  They should be able to tell you the name of their specific penguin – although, these were just chosen at the end of the day on Friday so they may not be totally clear on how to pronounce their penguin’s name yet:)


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