Social Studies – Page 4 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Social Studies

It is said that before globalization, these instruments could only be found in Africa and where African descendants lived. Therefore, the thumb piano or kalimba as we know it in the West, is a modernized version of its African ancestors.  Just like the xylophone, it is deeply rooted in the continent’s culture.

Many tribes, all across the continent, have developed their own unique thumb pianos over the centuries. Because the languages and cultures of these tribes vary so much, so do the names and traditions of their instruments.

Using wood, bobby pins and craft supplies Div 9 students along with other students of Twelfth Avenue Elementary created their very own versions of the African thumb piano.  Check it out.


Peace is…

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In honour of Remembrance Day, students were asked to consider what peace means to them and to other children from different parts of the world. They explored the concept of peace through different areas of the curriculum – visual arts, language arts, and social studies,  The main objective of the lesson was to help students understand that every child needs peace to live a full, healthy and happy life.

In Social Studies we have been discussing how individuals have rights and responsibilities as global citizens. Students examined the differences between rights and responsibilities and then worked in small groups to identify their responsibilities and how they are connected to the rights they have as individuals.

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