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Division 5 has created a “Walk or Bike to School Challenge” to encourage people to be more physically active and reduce traffic pollution around our school.

We encourage you all to Walk or Bike to school if possible.  Our goal is to have 90% of our students walk or bike to school on May 30th and May 31st. 

Mark your calendars and join our challenge!

Division 1 & 2 leadership students are hosting a fundraiser to support the Burnaby Hospital Foundation. They would love your support! 

WHEN: May 26 – June 1, 2023

Join Mme Bianca Lavorata, Mme Panagiotou and the student leadership team as they host a fundraiser to support advancements in healthcare at Burnaby Hospital. Student leaders acknowledge that many members from the Aubrey community have benefited from the wonderful care provided by the team at Burnaby Hospital.

School Goal: $1,500 

Please use the online link that has been provided by the Burnaby Hospital foundation specifically for our school community.

Alternatively, you may fill out a donation card that came home today with all students!

We know that together is better, so as a team, we would like to give back to the hospital. Division 1 and 2 leadership students invite all classes and their families to kindly donate to help raise funds towards the cancer department and children’s/baby department. We would like to extend a big thank you to Ms. Hartman and the Aubrey staff for supporting this fundraiser and helping us make a difference.



Mme Bianca, Mme Panagiotou, Kat, Nolan, Miro, Rylee, Liam, Michelle, Keira, Chamael, Brooke and Zaina

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You are all invited to visit the Burnaby Art Gallery between May 5th and June 4th to see the Out of the World K-12 Exhibit. The mixed media artwork our class made this year will also be showcased in this exhibit.

To celebrate Earth Day on Saturday April 22nd made wildflower seed papers with our buddy class. This will be a great way to spread nature and enjoy the outdoors when it’s time to plant the seed papers.

As pollinator plants, wildflowers help to support declining bee populations and they create a habitat for birds, butterflies and other insects. Some wildflower species and insects have become extinct due to increased agriculture and by planting wildflowers we can help keep these species alive and hep maintain a healthy eco-system.

Wildflowers are low maintenance and easy to grow. They can be used in parts of the garden which are difficult to cultivate conventionally because they have naturally adapted themselves to suit difficult situations in order to survive. Also, like all plants, wildflowers will help improve the air quality of our planet

Whether you are planting the seed paper indoors or out, it should be placed under a thin layer of soil. 1/8″ – 1/4″ is ideal. Definitely no deeper than 1/4″. Wildflowers LOVE the sun so pick a location that has plenty of sunshine throughout the day. Soak the soil & seeds right after planting, although avoid having the water pool on top, and then water as needed, usually every 2-4 days depending on how hot and dry the location is. You should start to see sprouts in around 5 days!

Happy Earth Day 🌱

In class we’ve been learning about Artists who use sustainable art methods to create their art. Now that the students have been inspired by these artists they will create their own sustainable art to showcase in a gallery presentation on Friday May 12th.

Here are the students artist presentations:

Agnes Denes

Andy Goldsworthy

Chris Jordan

Bettina Werner

El Anatsui

Choi Jeong Hwa

Aurora Robson

Patrick Dougherty

Veronika Richterova

Ptolemy Elrington

James Brunt

Yuken Teruya

Song Dong

Marina Debris

Brian Jungen

Nils Udo

Benoit Averly

Jane Perkins

Lois Ehlert

Patriza Biondi

Bob Ross

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