Physical and Health Education – Page 3 – Div 3 Class Blog

Category: Physical and Health Education

This year for “Earth Week”, 12th Avenue students participated in the Plastic Bag Grab Challenge. Students learned about the importance of the 3Rs (Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling), strategies for keeping our Earth healthy and clean, and how to use reusable bags instead of plastic bags.  Together, we collected a grand total of 1176 bags, which will be recycled instead of sitting in the landfills.  Many thanks and congratulations to our all students, staff and our families for all their support and contributions!  

Div 9 Gymnasts

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Throughout the month of April students in Div 9 are getting the opportunity to learn gymnastics.  They are working on balance, strength, and agility.  Some of techniques they have been learning include: rope climbing, cartwheels, jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, hula hoop, bear/crab walks, circus wheel, juggling, grapevine, superman, sloth crawl, sky train, handstand, spider walk, squat-on/straddle-on, monkey with a broken leg, arabesque, v-sit, knee scale, stork stand, straddle/tuck hang, chin/pike hold, forward/log/egg/safety/pencil rolls, frog/monkey/rocket/360/star/tuck jumps, and skinny cat on bars.

Potato Sprouts

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Right before Spring Break Div 9 students planted their seed potatoes.  When they returned to school after the break they were amazed by how much the potatoes have grown. Today they learned about the hilling process and how to check if their potatoes need water.  Students then hilled the soil around the young potato seedlings so that only the top leaves were sticking out of the ground and gave them some water.  They will continue this process every 2-3 days as the potato sprouts grow taller.  The hilling process will force new tubers and new potatoes to grow under the new mound of soil hopefully yielding more potatoes when it comes time to harvest them in June.

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In this activity, students designed their own superheroes using only fruits and vegetables. Throughout the lesson students were required to use their knowledge of vegetables and fruits, as well as their imagination to describe their superhero’s physical characteristics and superpowers.

Students also learned that they need to eat five or six servings of vegetables and fruit every day and that vegetables and fruit provide us with the vitamins, minerals and fibre we need to stay healthy.

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On February 28, 2018, students from Div 8 along with their big buddies from Div 2 wore pink in support of Pink Shirt Day.  They also came up with these messages to encourage everyone to practice kindness and that together we can make a difference to help combat bullying.

Students were shown a picture of Kandinsky’s concentric circles.  They were then asked to explore concepts of colour and how it relates to emotion. Examples were: What emotion do you associate with red? (anger, embarrassment etc.) What emotions do you associate with blue? (sadness, loneliness, calm) What emotions do you associate with yellow? (happiness, contentment, warmth) etc.  They were then given a sheet that had multiple hearts on it and asked to creatively express using colour how they were feeling. The results are quite stunning.

KM Club

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As part of our Daily Physical Activity (DPA) program students in Div 9 will be keeping track of the kilometers they run throughout the school year. For every 25 laps (10 km) they run on the outdoor track they will get a bead to place on their KM Club bracelet.

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